Break Free

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Michi jerked awake as the bus slowed to a stop. Even with the unexpected final exam against the teachers, everyone in class 1-A had passed. Kaminari had shown off a few of his new gadgets that Nezu, Powerloader, and Mei had designed, and he'd decided that his hero name would change to Prototype.

Now they were on their way to a summer camp training, and he was woken up by the bus pulling over by the side of the road. He blinked his eyes blearily, feeling cautious and wary as the class was ushered out of the bus and onto the street. What was Aizawa planning?

"—Wild, Wild Pussycats!" There was an introduction there, but he'd missed it because he was so distracted.

"From here, you need to make it through the Beast's Forest and to the camp by lunch! Are you ready?" one of them said. Before anyone had a chance to respond, the ground collapsed underneath them, depositing them at the bottom of a cliff. Michi groaned; of course.

"Why did she call it the beast's forest?" Kirishima asked, looking around the woods cautiously. His question was answered as an enormous creature made of earth rose from the ground and began lumbering towards the class.

Bakugo blasted it to pieces before it could take two steps, but more were rising from the forest. Michi felt himself growing annoyed; he recognized Earth Flow as Pixie-Bob's quirk, and he guessed she was just trying to show off.

He stepped forward, finally fully awake, and he took charge of the situation. "Kirishima, I need you to chop down a few trees! Todoroki, Sato, Shoji, Tenya, Tokoyami, and Mina, you guys help Kacchan keep the monsters busy for a minute. Sero, Momo, Kaminari, and Uraraka, I need you over here after Kirishima's done, and Aoyama, get ready after that. Everyone else, just try to support everyone that's fighting the earth beasts."

No one questioned him, and soon Kirishima had gathered enough trees to make a decently sized platform. "Awesome! Kirishima, you can go help fight the earth monsters now. Sero, use your tape to lash these together here. Momo, make some wires, and Kaminari, put the propulsors here on the corners." Michi helped Kaminari attach the propulsion from his suit to the platforms, then used Momo's wires to connect them all. 

"Alright. Now Momo, I have an idea for something you could make. If you—"

He ducked as a monster lunged at him, and one of Kacchan's explosions destroyed the thing before it could go for him again. "Hurry the fuck up! We've gotta get moving!" Kacchan snarled at him before throwing himself back into the fray.

"Right! We're almost done!" he called. "So Momo, I want you to make a powerful magnifying glass that can rotate and swivel, like a turret. The idea is for Aoyama to shoot his laser through it, making it much more powerful and focused."

Momo's eyes widened, and she nodded. She took a deep breath and began concentrating, and Michi turned to Uraraka. "Do you think you can handle making this entire platform float?" he asked. She nodded determinedly. "Good. Kaminari! Grab these wires to power the propulsion system. Get everyone on the platform, and we'll start moving. Momo, how's it going with that device for Aoyama?"

Momo gasped as it burst from her chest, and she slumped forward tiredly. "I... I got it," she said, breathing heavily.

"Perfect. You're the best, Momo," he praised, giving her a thumbs-up. "Aoyama! Come use this to destroy the monsters!"

Kaminari and Sero helped him mount the device to the platform, and they started loading everyone onto it. Aoyama stepped forward hesitantly, eyeing it with a wary gaze. "Are you sure? I don't want my sparkle to become so bright that it hurts someone!"

"Don't worry about it," Michi promised. "Just aim it at the monsters and fire through the magnifying glass."

Aoyama nodded, looking more confident, and stepped onto the platform. He swiveled it on the stand to point at one of the monsters. "Bakugo, Kirishima! Look out!" he cried. He waited for them to dive out of the way, then fired.

A Hero's Dirty Work (Villain Deku / Vigilante Deku au)Where stories live. Discover now