Chapter 1

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I pushed all of my binders and books into my small locker. I was so excited to be back at school after a long break to record our latest album. I see Louis and Harry walking towards me. I close my locker and meet up with them.

"Hey mate!" Lou says, giving me a quick handshake. "Ready to be back at school guys?" I ask them, walking down the chaotic hall. Harry laughs. "All the girls suddenly have become a lot more friendlier." he says, checking out two girls who just walked by. Louis laughs. "I'm excited. It makes me feel like I'm back to my normal life." Lou says. I see my class coming up. "Well I will see you two at lunch. I gotta go to Chemistry." I say.

They walk off, and I walk into the room. There are a couple people sitting down already. I take a seat towards the front of the room. I take out a notebook, and I new pen. The bell rings, and kids rush to their seats.

"Take a seat please!" a lady, I'm assuming the teacher, says while shutting the door. Brandon, a guy I know from the neighborhood sits next to me. "Mind if I sit here?" he asks. "No problem." I say. The teacher walks to to the front of her desk, and looks the class over. "Welcome to senior chemistry! I am Mrs. Halste. I will have a seating chart for you in the next couple of days, for right now your okay where you are. So! To start things off, I'm going to give each of you a..." the door suddenly opens, and a girl walks through the door.

"Sorry. I got lost... And I didn't..." She says, but Mrs. Halste cuts her off with her hand. "Sit. You can talk to me after class." she snaps. "As I was saying... I am going to give each of you a packet of my rules and expectations for this school year." Mrs. Halste says, beginning to pass out papers. I look over at the girl who walked in late. She was studying her schedule, and looking super flustered. She obviously wasn't from here, cause she had an American accent. I get the paper from Mrs. Halste and look it over. This thing was huge. I had a feeling that this class was going to be hard.

"First things first! I have a no tardy policy. If your late to my class, I will write you up so fast it's not even funny." she starts to say.

I can't help but notice, she looks over at the new girl. I hated being the new person. I felt bad for her. She had her hand pressed against her cheek, propping herself up on her elbow. Her other hand was flipping through the packet of rules. Her hair was long and slightly curly. It was a beautiful shade of light brown, and it fell past her shoulders.

"Mr. Payne! Are you alright?" Mrs. Halste asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hmm? Yeah sorry." I said. I looked down at my desk and sighed. This was going to be a long day.

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