Chapter 14

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Friday after school, me and Abbi walk out to the bus stop together. "I'm just going to warn you now that my mum is pretty excited to meet you." I tell Abbi. She looks at me and smiles.

"You told her about me?" she asks quietly, sounding a bit embarrassed. I blush a little bit. "Uhh...yeah." I say awkwardly. We get on the bus, and sit next to each other. There are only a few people on the bus.

"Excuse me? Are you one of those boys from One Direction?" a lady asks me. I smile at her. "Yes. I'm Liam." I tell her. Her face lightens up. "Would you mind signing something for my daughter? She is a huge fan!" the lady tells me. She hands me a note pad, and a pen.

I see Abbi looking at me from the corner of my eye. I make out a little note for the lady's daughter, and hand her the pad back. "Thank you so much! You really are an amazing band! Your all so young and already this successful." she tells me. "Thank you." I say, and turn back to Abbi. she smiles hugely at me.

"Your famous!" she says with a laugh. I laugh with her. We get to my stop, and I stand up. "Right this way my lady!" I say, bending my elbow out. Abbi loops her arm around mine, and we walk the short distance to my house. "Wow!" Abbi sighs when we get to my gate. I pull out my keys, and go to the front door.

"My mom won't be home for awhile." I tell Abbi as we walk into my house. She stands and looks around. "I love your house!" she says. "Thanks." I tell her. I take her to the library room, and we set our backpacks in there. "We can start dinner now if you want. It might take awhile to make." I tell her. She nods, and follows me to the kitchen.

I start to pull out all the ingredients, and set it on the counter. Abbi observes me, and everything I pull out. "Wow. You weren't kidding when you said homemade!" she tells me, as I set the flour on the counter. I laugh and take out a bowl. I start to measure out the stuff to make the dough.

Abbi suddenly starts picking up vegetables. "I will wash these." she says. She goes to the sink and starts to scrub some mushrooms. I get the dough mixed together and set it on the oven. I turn it on, and let the dough rise. I get out two cutting boards and two knifes. Abbi finishes putting the clean and dry vegetables in the counter.

"Want to see who can chop the prettiest?" I ask jokingly. She grabs one of the cutting boards, and takes a handful of mushrooms. I do the same, and stand across from her, on the other side of the island. We start cutting mushrooms, and it is really awkward. I turn on the radio behind me.

Abbi looks up at me for a second, and then continues cutting. I grab a yellow pepper, and start to cut it. I grab a piece an pop it into my mouth. Abbi grabs the red pepper, and begins to cut it. I look up at her.

"The red ones are my favorite." I tell her. She smiles. "Mine too!" she says excitedly. I walk around the counter and take a big piece of the pepper. I take a big bite and set it back down. She laughs, but then looks at me with fake shock.

"Liam Payne! You took a bite out of my pepper!" she says. I grab the jar of pizza sauce, and open it. I smell it, and then go back to cutting my pepper. I feel something hit my face, and look to see the piece of pepper I had bitten in front of me. "You did NOT just throw that pepper at me." I say jokingly. She grins at me. I grab a spatula that I use to spread the pizza sauce and dip it in the jar. I pull it out and look over at Abbi with a devious smile on my face.

"Liam! No... I'm sorry!" she says laughing. I run over to her, and slime her face with the sauce. She closes her eyes and opens her mouth in shock. When she opens her eyes I'm still standing right in front of her, and she jumps back in shock. I laugh.

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