Chapter 15

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I wake up to the sound of yelling. My parents were fighting again. I sigh and roll out of bed. It was only six in the morning, so I decided to take a long shower and just hang out in my room. I sit on my bed, and go through some of the notes I took last night.

Suddenly my door flies open and my mom storms in. "Where were you last night?!" she demands. I give her a shocked look.  

"Morning mom." I say sarcastically. "Don't mock me Abigail. You were out with that boy again weren't you?!" she asks, stepping closer to me and jabbing her finger in my face. "Why are you so upset? I told you I was. Didn't I!?" I ask her.

"I don't want you to see him. Not outside of school. You have to much to focus on, you don't need another boy to ruin your education. He is making you rebel against me an your father and we don't appreciate it. So from now on you need to stay away from him." she tells me.

I literally feel like my heart has been ripped in half. Just when I was getting closer with Liam they were going to rip me away from him.  

"That BOY! is actually the only reason I'm doing good in school right now. He's the one that makes it worth getting up everyday and going to school. If it weren't for him, I would probably be gone right now mom! I just want to leave! I want to have freedom and be who I want to be mom! I don't want my life controlled every second of EVERYday! Why can't you just let me be happy?" I ask her.

I can feel tears falling down my face. I had never been so open with my mom in my life. She glares at me.

"If I find out that you were with him again, I will send you back to the U.S. so fast, it wouldn't even be like you were ever in London young lady." she screams at me. I suck in a breath and stand up off my bed. 

"You wouldn't!" I scream at her. She laughs at me, with an evil look on her face. 

"I have already talked to your aunt about it more than once." she tells me. I begin to freak out. I grab my backpack, and my hoodie off my chair. I wasn't going to stay here and listen to her anymore.  

"Your not leaving!" she says to me. I push past her and stand at the top of the stairs.

"Watch me!" I say, and run down the stairs. My dad is there looking at me in shock. "I will be back later." I tell him harshly. I run out the door, after scooping up my converse on the way out. It was a little chilly for it being so early, so I stop on the next street over and pull my hoodie and shoes on. 

I was still crying, but I didn't even care. I didn't know exactly where I was going, and I didn't have my phone with me, but I wasn't about to go back to my house. I use the cuffs of my sweatshirt and wipe under my eyes. I was to the point of almost hyperventilating, sucking in short breaths. My mind was on overload thinking about everything that had just happened.

I didn't even notice where I was until I saw Liam's moms car. I go up to the door and knock softly. I really hoped someone was awake. I didn't know what else to do at this point. Liam's mom answers the door and takes a long look at me. 

"Abbi honey! What's wrong?" she asks, pulling me into her arms and into the house. I just sob into her shoulder, enjoying the comfort of loving arms.

"Liam!" she shouts up the stairs. He stumbles to the top of the stairs, wearing pajama pants, and a white t-shirt. He runs down the stairs and joins us by the door.  

"Abbi! Are you alright?!" he asks. I shake my head. His mom pushes me into Liam's arms. He hugs me, while she continues to rub my back.

"I need to head to work, but make sure she's okay Liam." his mom tells us, grabbing her purse. She gives us a long look, before opening the door. "I will be back at five." she says, and then shuts the door, leaving us alone. Liam pushes hair out of my face, and wipes the tears from under my eyes.

"Talk to me Abbi." he says quietly. I try to catch my breath, but I can't find my voice. He takes my backpack from me, and pulls me to the kitchen. He grabs a bottle of water, and then takes me to the living room. He sits me down, and gives me the water, the whole time never breaking his worried stares. He awkwardly sits down next to me, after I drink some water. 

"Are you alright?" he asks me. I take a deep breath. "No." I say. He doesn't force me to talk, he just let's me sit there. He occasionally will rub my back, or grab my hand, letting me know he's there.

"I can't handle my mom. She is going insane. I hate how she is always fighting with my dad, and yelling at me. It's just really hard having no one to trust, and talk to in my house." I finally tell him. He sighs. I lean my head onto his shoulder.  

He grabs my waist, and pulls me around so that I'm sitting between his legs, and he is leaning on the arm of the couch. I sink back into his chest, making it so there is no extra space between us. He hugs me and I close my eyes. It was so nice to be like this. I soak up the feeling of his warm body against mine, and the smell of him. He was absolutely perfect.

"You can always talk to me. I will always be here." he tells me close to my ear. I feel myself become instantly relaxed. He had me in his arms and he cared about me. He kisses my cheek a bit. I turn around and sit on my knees between his legs. I touch his face softly. "Thank you Liam." I whisper. 

He pulls me onto his lips, and kisses me. It was such a great kiss. So full of love, and true emotion. It becomes more heated as we continue, barely pulling back for air. Finally when I feel like I might pass out, I lean forward onto his chest. He's breathing heavily, and I move up and down as his chest rises and falls. He wraps his arms around me.

"Do you want to come upstairs with me?" he asks. I nod, and we get up off the couch. He holds my hand and we go to his room. He pulls me onto his bed with him, and I lay with my head on his shoulder. We immediately become comfortable. I don't think I have felt this safe since I was back in Ohio. I could get used to it.

What Makes You Beautiful (Liam Payne)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن