Chapter 6

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Liam Payne. "Wow." I sighed. I sat on my bed, watching videos of One Direction and browsing through their twitter. They were amazing! All of them had amazing voices. I couldn't get over the fact that they talked to me. They were international stars! Why did they seem so normal?! Weren't they supposed to be at some private school for the rich and famous?

"Abbi?" I hear a knock at my door. I pause the video I was watching. "Come in!" I shout. My mom peaks her head in, and then walks over to me. "How are you doing sweetie?" she asks me. "Ehh. Same ol same ol." I say shrugging my shoulders. She gives me a blank look. "Honey! We moved across the world, and your at a brand new school. You have to have something to tell me." she tells me seriously. I take a deep breath.

"Honestly Mom. It's not that different from Ohio." I say, avoiding her eye contact. I was totally lying to her. But what was I going to tell her?! That I ran into a total of three lockers, sat with a gay guy at lunch, and pissed off some popular girl, all on my first day! I hear her sigh.

"Dinner is almost ready." she says quietly. She walks out of my room, closing my door behind her. "Ugh!" I scream, falling back into my pillows. I missed my life back in the U.S. It was just getting perfect. I had friends, and I was in the top twenty five of my class. Why can't we just go back? I feel myself starting to cry.

"Abbi!" my dad barged into my room. "Dinner is ready. Come on... What's wrong?" he says, walking farther into my room. "Nothing." I snap at him. "Abbi. I can tell something is wrong. Is it the new school?" he asks me. I just shake my head and breath deeply.

"Yeah Dad! It's the new freaking school! And the new people! And the new house! The new... The everything Dad! Your stupid job!" I shout, letting tears fall from my eyes.

"Don't yell at me Abigail! You knew that when I took this job that we would be moving a lot. Don't let it get to you so much. You will be fine. Plus we will probably just move again anyways. I don't know why you take this so hard." he says walking out of my room.

I sob into my hands. My parents were no help at all. I go back to my laptop and pull up my twitter again. People had retweeted me. Liam included. And just because he did, tons of fans were too. I couldn't help but smile. I can't believe he was so normal, for being so famous.

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