Chapter 12

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I was almost through the lunch line, carrying my full tray to the cashier. I paid for my food, and started to go to the table in the corner.

"Watch out!" someone yells all of the sudden. I quickly look over to my right but don't see anything. I look to my left, and a carton of milk is flying towards me. It hits me square in the face, and spills all over me. I stumble backwards and slip on the small puddle underneath me. My tray flys away from me, and come crashing down on a girl. I sit up from the ground, and the girl turns to me.

"Oh my gosh! What the..." she stops, realizing who I am. "Hey Abbi!" I say embarrassed. She starts to laugh. "Why is it that whenever I run into you outside of class, something bad happens?!" she says between laughs. I stand up and shake my hands off. "I don't know!" I tell her. "Why don't we go to the clinic to get cleaned up?" I ask her. She stands up and says something to the guy sitting next to her.

I walk with her down to the nurses office. "Sorry about this." I say, pausing with my hand on the door knob. He hair is wet, and her whole shirt is soaked. "It's fine." she says quietly. I really hope I didn't make her mad. We walk into the clinic, and the nurse looks up from her desk.

"Oh my!" she says looking us over. "I had a little accident in the lunch room." I tell her. Abbi looks at me, looking like she was going to say something. "My goodness! Come this way!" the nurse tells us. We follow her to a cabinet on the far wall. "Look through here, if you can't find anything, just come find me." she says, leaving us alone.

I open the cabinet and start to sort through the odd piles of clothes. Abbi reaches over and starts going through one pile. "These clothes are awful!" she says laughing. I hold up a Cambridge sweatshirt. "Want this?" I ask her. She looks it over. "Maybe. I will keep looking though." she tells me. Our hands work quick, going through the random stuff. "Uh Liam... I don't know why size you wear, but I found this." she says holding up a plain white t-shirt. I take it from her and hold it to my chest, measuring. "Hmm. I will try it." I say.

I lift my wet shirt over my head and place the white one on. "Perfect!" I say, looking at Abbi. She is just kind of standing there awkwardly. "Sorry! I'm used to just changing when and wherever." I tell her. "It come with being on tour." I say, feeling a slight blush form on my cheeks. I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable. I go back to looking for some pants.

"Oh! It-it's fine." she stutters.

I find a pair of sweats, and go into the small bathroom to change into them. I come out, and see that Abbi has found some sweats to go along with her Cambridge sweatshirt. I smile at her. "Comfy day!" I say, while she walks into the small bathroom.

I get two bags from the nurse so we can put our dirty clothes in.

Abbi comes out, with her hair now up into a messy bun. It was cute. The sweats hung low on her body, obviously to big, and the sweatshirt looked like somebody else's. She smiles at me. "Comfy day!" she repeats, and twirls in a little circle. She grabs at the sweats. "These things are gigantic!" she tells me. "I can tell." I say.

We bag up our stuff, and leave the nurses office. "I'm so sorry about all of this. I dumped food all over you, and then took up all your time to eat." I tell her. "Liam, it's fine. I swear!" she assures me. We make it back to the cafeteria, after stopping at our lockers to put the bags away.

I walk through the lunch line with her for the second time. "Let me pay for your lunch, and then we can sit together if you want." I blurt out suddenly. I hope I wasn't being to "friendly" or anything. I just really felt bad about what had happened, and I liked spending time with her.

"I will sit with you... but I'm not letting you pay for my lunch." she says stubbornly. I sigh. "Hey! Umm can you grab me an apple?" I ask her suddenly. She goes off to get the apple, and I tell the cashier I'm paying for both meals, plus the apple. She come back, and hands me the apple. "Let's go!" I tell her, trying not to laugh. "Liam we gotta pay for..." I cut her off. "I already did!" I say with a grin. She scowls at me.

I walk to the table where Niall was, and set my tray down. Abbi hesitantly follows behind me. "I told you not to pay for mine." she tells me quietly. "Ooo Liam! Paying for Abbi's lunch now?!" Niall says, with a huge grin plastered on his face. "Shut it Irish boy!" I snap at him. He just laughs and continues to stuff his face with food. I sit down. Abbi sits next to me, awkwardly pushing her food around. "So how are you doing Abbi?" Niall asks her, between bites. "Pretty good. Feeling clean now." she tells him.

"Yeah I saw that. Good job Liam! Quite the little fall you took." Niall says to me. I just shake my head, and eat.

Since the visit to the nurse took up most of our lunch hour, me and Abbi had to eat pretty quickly. "Well Abbi, are you going to sit with us from now on?" Niall asks her cheekily. She blushes. I throw my apple at Niall, but he catches it and takes a bite. Abbi giggles. "If you want me to. I may have to bring my friend Hunter over here too though. Cause he will kill me if I don't introduce you guys to him soon. He's a bit of a fan." she tells us.

"We would love to have you sit with us!" I tell her honestly. Niall shoots me a look. He's going to be calling me later. "Well we better get going to French!" Niall says, standing up.

I take a couple more bites of my food, and stand to grab my stuff. Abbi throws her trash away and follows me and Niall.

"So Abbi!" Niall says throwing his arm around her and giving me a look. "Did you have a boyfriend back in Ohio?" Abbi looks shocked. She cracks a smile, and blushes a bit. "I did for awhile, but it didn't work out." she tells us.

Niall looks at me, silently pleading me to do something, but I don't understand. He is moving his eyebrows around and mouthing things to me. I give him a confused look. He stops suddenly, and looks at Abbi, as we keep walking to class. "I'm sorry. He was probably a dick! You can have anybody you want! Trust me..." he tells her.

My eyes felt like they were about to pop out of my head. He just...oh man! I have to remember to yell at him later. Abbi bursts out laughing. "Thanks?! I think!" Abbi says while laughing uncontrollably. Niall was an idiot.

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