Chapter 13

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Lunch had been interesting. Even though I smelt like chocolate milk, and my hair was a mess, it was worth getting to spend time with Liam.

He was so easy to talk to, I loved it. French was boring as usual except for Niall and Liam having a silent starring war. I don't think they wanted me to notice...but I did. I sit down in my next class and wait for the bell to ring.

"Soooo. Abbi?" I hear someone say. I look up from my notebook to see Liam's ex standing there. Oh great this should be interesting. "I just wanted to know why you and Liam haven't gone public with your relationship. I mean almost three months now, and I haven't seen one juicy paparazzi picture of you two." she sneers at me. "Uhh it's Rebecca right?" I ask her. She doesn't answer, just continues to stare at me. "I don't think you should be worrying about my relationship. I mean it's not really your business anyways." I tell her. Her eyes slightly squint. "Yeah we'll see about that." she snaps before turning and going to her seat. What the heck? She is insane.

I sit back in my seat, and wait for the bell to ring so I can get out of here. And when it does ring, I fly out of there like it was a fire drill.

I make it to Mr. Littkin's room in record time, and pull out my History stuff. Students file in, and I see Liam outside the door. He come and sits next to me.

"Comfy day!" he says with a laugh.

"Yeah... Hey! Umm I was gonna talk to you about Rebecca. She has been kinda getting on me lately about 'us', and I don't know what to say." I tell him honestly. He thinks for a second. "I can try to talk to her, but I don't think it will work. Once she has an idea or thought, it just stays that way. Nothing can really change it." he tells me. I sigh. This was kind of complicated.

"Intense conversation back here?" Harry asks, sliding into his seat. "Rebecca is getting on Abbi, cause we kinda lied to her the first week of school, well I lied to her." Liam tells him. Harry raises his eyebrows. "What did you lie about?" he asks seriously. "Ummm I told her that me and Abbi were together." Liam says, looking towards the ground a bit. I think he felt bad for lying. "You don't have to lie. You could just be together!" Harry suggests. I start to laugh a bit. This was embarrassing.

"Abbi and Liam are together?!" Louis shouts, hearing only the end of what Harry said. Zayn and Niall stand behind Louis. This was getting confusing fast. "Congrats guys! I knew you two would end up liking each other! I think you guys make a great couple." Zayn tells me and Liam.

I look over at Liam, and give him an awkward look. He smiles. "Umm me and Abbi aren' that?" he says, almost like its a question.

"We aren't together." I tell the other guys. They all start to laugh. "Oops! Well you two would be cute together." Zayn tells us. I blush. I didn't really like all this attention.

The bell rings, and Mr. Littkin comes in and starts to talk to the class. Liam gets his notebook out, and tried to focus on class, but I can tell he has a lot on his mind.

"Do you like homemade pizza?" he whispers to me. I smile. What was he thinking about?! "Yeah." I whisper back. He smiles at me. "I thought we could make some Friday night when we work on our project." he tells me.

I suddenly got excited. Could Friday be classified as a date? Or we're we just strictly school friendly?

I go back to listening to Mr. Littkin. Class goes by pretty fast, and we have the last couple minutes to talk some more.

"I like your outfit today Abbi." Harry tells me. I can't tell if he is being sarcastic or not. I laugh, and look over at Liam. "Yeah. Used school clinic clothes are the absolute highest quality you can get." I tell him jokingly. Niall shakes his head.

The bell rings and I say goodbye to the boys. I make my way to the bus stop, and prepare myself to go home. I hated being at home. My parents were always stressed out, and working. I feel like I never get a break from them. I just want to go to college already.

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