Chapter 5

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It was nice to be back at school, and focusing on something other than music. I love being in One Direction, but sometimes I feel like I just want to go back to my normal life.

I walk up the three front steps to my house. It's good to be home. I walk in, and find my mom in the kitchen. "Hey mum!" I smile widely and kiss her cheek. She stands at the counter making a salad. "How was school?" she asks me. I grab a water bottle and settle into a chair at the table. "It was good. It's fun being back! Everyone acts differently now, which I don't really like. I mean, just because I'm in One Direction doesn't mean I'm not... me." I tell her honestly. She gives me a sad smile. "Sorry hun. Just give people time to realize that you haven't changed as a person just because your famous." I stand up and kiss her cheek again. "Thanks mum!" I shout running up the stairs. I take them two at a time, and go to my bedroom. It was still so weird.

Ever since I left for the X-Factor my room hadn't changed. I still had all my football posters, and my play station in the corner. I slip of my shoes, and settle on my bed, and get my laptop. I check twitter and my email. "Liam! Your phones ringing down here! It's Harry calling!" my mom yells from down stairs.

I scurry to the kitchen and grab my phone off the counter. "Hello?" I say answering. "Liam! Mate learn how to answer your phone!" Harry's tells me, laughing slightly. "Sorry. I had left my phone in the counter. What's up?" I tell him, walking back up the stairs. "I was just calling to see if you had seen Lou. I didn't see him after school, and he hasn't answered his phone." Harry tells me sounding concerned. "Uh I don't know. I saw him in history, but yeah I don't know where he is." I tell him. Where would Louis gone off to? "Well I'm gonna try to call him again. See ya tomorrow!" Harry says. I say goodbye and hang up.

It's not like Louis to just disappear. I scroll through more of my twitter and feel my phone vibrate. It's Louis. "Louis! Where the heck are you mate?! Harry is worried sick!" I say answering. I hear him laughing. "I was grocery shopping! You people worry to much! A man needs his food!" he tells me. I can't help but laugh. "Did you at least call Harry?" I ask him. "Well of course!" he tells me. "Well I'm gonna put my food away before it gets gross. See you tomorrow at school Li!" Louis tells me, right before hanging up. I shake my head. That kid was something else.

I go back to my laptop, and start to scroll through my new followers. I'm up to five million these days. Suddenly one catches my eye. Abbi Smith. I click to open up her profile. It was the new girl! Her smiling picture stares back at me. It was her at some sort of mountain, leaning her head back, and smiling a huge smile. I couldn't help but smile. I click the new tweet button.

"@Abbi_Smith met me and the boys today! Hopefully we didn't scare her off!" I tweet, adding a smiley face with its tongue out. I instantly get retweets, favorites, and comments. I scroll back to her profile, and see the new tweet she just posted.

"@OneDirection is a crazy bunch of boys! History should be fun with all of them." I laugh. She liked us! I sigh. Hopefully we could get to know each other more. "Liam! Dinner is ready!" my mom shouts.

I quickly retweet her and close my laptop.

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