Chapter 20

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I was never going to make it through first period. Not when I didn't know where Abbi was. I nervously tap my pencil on my binder. Nothing Mrs. Halste is saying makes any sense right now. I quickly throw my hand up in the air.

"When the hydrogen atom is...yes Liam?" she asks, stopping her lecture.

"May I use the restroom?!" I ask frantically. She scowls at me.

"Mr. Payne. We have only been in class for fifteen minutes, can't it wait?" she asks.

"It's an emergency!" I blurt out. Before she can say anything else, I push my binder into my backpack, not even bothering to zip it closed and run towards the door.

"Liam. Your backpack isn't needed..." Mrs. Halste's voice is cut off by the slamming of the classroom door.

I sprint down the hallway to the exit doors. I dial Abbi's number, as I throw myself into my mom's car. The phone continues to ring. Finally, when I think she won't answer I hear her voice on the other end of the line.

"I don't understand why your doing this to me." Abbi says sadly. "Abbi?! Abbi? What's happening? Where are you?" I ask. She doesn't reply, but I hear a man's voice now.

"We gave you so many opportunities Abigail, and this is how you act?! Running away from home?! Hanging out with strange boys! Your behavior is out of hand." I'm guessing it is her dad talking to her.

"Your aunt Lisa is waiting for you. We will send all of your stuff over when we can." says a snooty sounding woman. "I can't believe your making me go back to the U.S." I hear Abbi mumble. I suck in a breath and end the call.

I turn the car on and head to my mom's work. I try to scroll through my contact list, but I'm freaking out. Distracted driving. Abbi being taken away. What else could happen?! I find Simon's contact in my phone and call him. "Uncle Simon!" I say before he can even say hello. "Liam. It's eight in the morning. Aren't you supposed to be in school?" he asks me. I shake my head and slam on the brakes, as the traffic in front of me stops. "Something has come up. And I know I said that I wasn't going to use the money in my bank account, but I was wondering how fast I can get money." I say. Simon takes a second to answer. "What's this all about Li?" he asks. "It's kind of hard to explain right now!" I tell him. I make the turn into my mom's work and shut the car off. "I will call you in a second." I say, and hang up the call.

He was probably so confused right now. I run through the front doors of the building and straight past the front desk. "Liam?!" the receptionist asks, looking over her desk. "Hi Heather!" I shout over my shoulder. I frantically run down the small hallway, almost causing a few accidents. I burst right into my mom's office. "MUM!" I shout. She jumps and throws her pen down.

"Bloody hell Liam! What are you doing?!" she asks, placing her hand over her heart. "We have to go! Abbi's parents are taking her to America! We have to go find her Mum!" I say, trying to catch my breath for all the running. She looks at me wide eyed. "What?!" she says. "I'll explain in the car! Please mum! Just please come with me. I can't let her get away from me!" I shout, almost to the point of tears. "Okay baby. Let's go." she says, grabbing my hand.

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