Chapter 2

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Walking into class late was humiliating. I hated being at a new school. This always happened to me. I just moved here from Ohio. Yes in the United States. My dad had this really crazy job that took us all over the place, but never in a million years did I think I would end up in London England. I was tired, and frustrated about not knowing where anyplace is.

Mrs. Halste was a control freak, and my last class was totally boring. I wondered if there was going to be any positives about going to school here. The bell rang, and I made my way to my locker for my lunch.

I had gotten the worst locker possible. I was on the bottom, right in the middle of everything, in one of the busiest hallways. I sighed and leaned down to put in my combination. I grabbed my lunch box, and my calculus book. It was huge. I stood up, and kicked my locker shut. It was a huge crowded mess around me. It was my lunch hour next, so at least that would give me some time to process what I had been told today. I didn't know anyone, so that kinda sucked.

A group of girls was talking loudly next to me, one of them playfully shoved the other, and she flew into me. I dropped my calculus book and my lunch box. They laughed at me. "Seriously?" I say under my breath. I bend over to pick it up. I go to stand up, and hit my head on an open locker above me. "Ouch!" I say loudly. The girls laugh even harder. This was not my best day.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" a guy asks me. He shut the locker that I had just hit my head on and looks at me concerned. "Yeah I'm fine. It just scared me." I said rubbing my head. "Maybe you should go get some ice or something in the clinic. I can take you if you want." he says. "Really. I'm fine. Thanks though." I say.

I walk to the courtyard and go outside. It was nice and quiet. I sat on a bench, and set my stuff down. I rubbed my head. It really hurt. I was probably going to have a huge bump on my head. I open my lunchbox, and eat my sandwich I had packed. "Do you mind if I sit here?" I heard a voice ask. I look up and see a tall, skinny guy who was wearing blue skinny jeans, a black v-neck shirt, and sparkly TOMS.

"Yeah go ahead." I say. He sits next to me. "I couldn't help but notice your all alone." he says seriously. I nod. "I'm new. I don't know anyone." I tell him. "Well I'm Hunter!" he says holding out his hand to me. I shake his hand and let out a laugh. "I'm Abbi." I tell him. He smiles warmly at me. "Well Abbi I gotta say! I absolutely adore your shoes and I'm totally jealous of your accent!" he says excitedly. I laugh at him. "Well thank you!" I say. He crosses his legs and puts his lunch on his lap. "So did you just move here?" he asks me. I swallow a bit of my food, and nod. "Yeah. I just moved here from Cincinnati Ohio." I tell him. He stops eating and looks at me. "Shut up! That's amazing!" he says. I smile. We finish our lunches and get ready to get back inside. "Well it was fabulous to meet you Abbi! I hope that we can hang out sometime. Maybe we can sit together at lunch from now on!" he says. "Good to meet you too! That would be nice to have someone to sit with." I tell him. He gives me a hug, and makes his way to class. I laugh to myself.

He was certainly something special. But I kinda like him. I've never had a gay best friend, but I have always wanted to. I walk back to my locker and put my lunch box away. I pull my schedule out of my pocket. Next class was French. Only three more classes until I got to go home. I could make it.

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