Chapter 3

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I had finished my lunch, and I walked with Niall to French class. Niall wasn't very good at French, so this class ought to be fun. "I never really like French class." he said to me, as we walked through the classroom door. We find two desks next to each other and sit down. "You'll be fine mate. I can help you." I tell him. More and more people walk into the class room.

Suddenly the new girl walks in. I hope her head was okay. She had bashed it really hard on my locker earlier. She looks at me for a quick second, before sitting down in the seat a couple ahead of me. "Who's that?!" Niall whispers at me. "New girl. I think she is American." I tell him quietly. He raises his eyebrows. "Interesting." he says, giving me a wink. I roll my eyes at him. "Maybe I should go say hi?" he asks. I laugh. "Sure Niall. Go say hi." I tell him.

He stands and leans on her desk. "Enchante Madame!" he says with a smirk on his face. She blushes, and I can't help but laugh. "Hello." she says quietly. "What would I call a lovely girl like you?" he asks her. I am trying so hard not to laugh uncontrollably right now. "I'm Abbi." she tells him. Abbi. That was a cute name. "Well... Abbi... You are very beautiful. And I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Niall. Niall Horan." he said using the best flirty voice he could. I couldn't help it. I lost it.

I started laughing extremely loud, my face getting bright red. She turns around and stares at me. "Did you dare him to do this?" she asks me. I can't stop laughing. "No!" I say between giggles. Niall starts to laugh to. "It was good to meet you Abbi!" Niall says sitting down again. She smiles, shakes her head, and turns back around in her seat.

The bell rings and I try my best to stop laughing. Niall isn't having much luck either. "What is so funny back there?" our teacher asks. I quickly close my mouth and hold all my laughs in. "Sorry!" Niall says, still laughing. This year was going to be interesting with me and Niall in the same class. I look over, and see that there are about five girls all starring at me and him like we are a meal or something.

"I think we have a little fan club." I lean over and whisper to Niall. He looks over, and waves his fingers at the girls. They all suck in their breath, and look away. I see Abbi looking back at me. I smile at her, and she focuses her attention back on the teacher. I do the same, and try not to be distracted by Niall or the other girls.

I made it through the class without another laughing outburst, so that was a good thing. When the bell rang, I walked out with Niall. Abbi was in front of us.

"So Abbi. Where are you from?" Niall asks her. "Cincinnati Ohio." she says. Her accent is so intriguing. I just want to hear her voice again. "Oh! We have been there. Pretty cool place." Niall tells her. "You've been there?" she asks, sounding shocked. "We went on tour in the U.S. last year, and we stopped there for awhile." I tell her. She stopped walking and stared at me. "Tour? What do you mean?" she asks. I laugh a little bit. "Niall and me are in a band. We toured last year." I tell her. "Wow! That's awesome!" she says. "Well I gotta go! See you two later. Good to meet you Abbi!" Niall says walking away. She waves, and continues to walk with me.

"Hey Liam." I hear a voice say. I turn and see Rebecca, my ex girlfriend, coming up to me. Oh gosh! I did NOT want to talk to her right now. I look awkwardly at Abbi, and turn to face Rebecca. I close my eyes. "Hi Rebecca..." I say, while opening my eyes again. She looks the same. Fake as fake could get. Her small body was wrapped in skin tight jeans, and a small low cut top. What did I ever see in her?

"How are you Liam?! I have not seen you forever!" she says. She gives me a small hug, and then looks at Abbi. "Who are you?" she says rather rudely. "Uhh I'm... My name..." Abbi stutters, but I stop her.

"This is Abbi! She's my girlfriend." I say, wrapping my arm around Abbi. She opens her eyes wide, and looks at me in shock. "This... Is your girlfriend?! Pssh!" Rebecca says smirking. I give Abbi a look, silently asking her to go along with it.

"Almost two months now honey, isn't that right?" Abbi asks me, trying to cover up how nervous she is. I smile down at her. "The best two months of my life!" I say. I lean in and brush my nose to hers, and make cute little faces. Rebecca scuffs and walks away.

Abbi pulls away, and immediately blushes. "I gotta go." she says, walking away before I could say anything.

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