Chapter 19

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My phone was going off, telling me it's time to wake up for school. I groan and snooze the alarm. I was so comfy. I didn't want to get out of bed! I unlock my phone, checking my messages. Fourteen missed calls from my mom, twelve from my dad, and a total of twenty-three angry texts from them. They were not going to give up.

I flip on the light, and throw the covers off, forcing myself to get up. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. The house seems quiet. I assume Liam will have to be up soon. And I'm pretty sure his mom should be up. I wrap my self up in a towel and gather up my pajamas. I crack the door, making sure the coast is clear to get to Liam's room. I run across the hall and into his room.

I stop dead in my tracks when I see Liam's bare bum in front of his dresser. He pulls up his boxers and turns around. I think I am literally in shock. "Oh my gosh!" Liam shouts, instantly becoming red. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

"I'm sorry I should have.. I should have and now... Oh gosh." he rambles. I grab my bag off the floor. "I-I ummm I'm gonna go change. Sorry." I mumble, opening the door again. Just then Liam's mom comes up the stairs, and is standing in front of both of us.

"Uhhh." she says, starting to nervously chuckle. "You two loose your clothes?" she asks cheekily. I run to the bathroom, shutting myself off from all the embarrassment. I take a deep breath, putting on my clothes. I feel much better. I organize my bag, and step out into the hall. Liam's mom is still standing there. Unfortunately Liam isn't with her.

"Umm Mrs. Payne. About that whole...thing, that just happened. I'm sorry it's not what it looked like. At all. I just accidentally..." I stop talking when I hear her laughing. I look at her confused. "Darling, it's fine. Liam already explained. I'm just not ready to become a grandma." she says jokingly. "Heh. Yeah." I say, nervously laughing a little bit.

Liam comes out of his room, fully dressed and ready for the day. He smiles at me.

"Love your phone rang about fours times while I was in there." he tells me. I step into his room and grab my phone. I have six more missed calls from my parents. I throw my bag onto the floor again and grab my backpack, placing my phone in it.

"Ready to go downstairs?" I ask Liam, once I get back to the hallway. He nods, and takes my hand as we go to the kitchen. His mom is already in the kitchen, and she smiles at us when we walk in. "Do you like bananas and yogurt?" Liam asks me. "Mmhhmm." I mumble, leaning against the counter. He works beside me, cutting up two bananas. I watch him carefully, observing his every move. I really didn't want things to be awkward between us after this morning.

"Well you two." his mom says, breaking my thought process. "I'm going to head out." she says, rinsing her glass she had just used. "But mum it's only 6:45. You normally leave around 7:30." Liam says, stopping what he was doing with the bananas. "Well I'm going to leave the car with you so you can be more comfortable getting to school." she says. Liam seems to be upset that she would do that. "We can catch the bus. It's absolutely fine." I tell her. She smiles and slides her keys across the counter. "I insist. Now have a good day." she says.

She steps forward and kisses Liam's cheek, and gives me a small hug. She grabs her purse and walks out the entrance to the kitchen, but then comes back. "Behave." she says, winks, and then turns. I instantly feel myself get red, and I struggle to hold back my laughter.

Liam looks like he is shock. He looks at me and then back the the doorway where is mom just was. I hear the front door close and I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry!" I say between laughs. Liam grins at me. He steps in front of me.

"Why are you sorry?" he asks playfully. He places a hand on either side of me on the counter. I suck my breath, feeling his get closer to me. I giggle some more. "I don't know. I am sorry for walking in on you getting dressed earlier." I tell him. This time he laughs. "Your so adorable when you laugh." he says quickly. He plants a kiss on my lips and then grabs two containers of yogurt. He opens them up and puts bananas inside. He opens the silverware drawer, then suddenly hesitates.

"Uhhh. Spoon?" he asks almost silently. I stare at him, trying to figure out what's wrong. "Liam?" I say. He grabs a fork for himself, but leaves the drawer open. "Do you mind grabbing your own spoon?" he asks. I can see his embarrassment. His cheeks are flushed, he is rocking from foot to foot, and he is twirling his fork around in his fingers. I grab a spoon and take a big bite of yogurt. Liam starts to eat his with his fork.

"I don't...I have a weird fear of spoons. I just hate them." he tells me. He won't look at me. I smile, but he doesn't see me.

"I have a strange fear of coins." I admit to him. A lot of people didn't know about this. I always tried to hide it because most people didn't understand and I was really embarrassed about it. "What?" he asks, a huge grin spreading across his face. "I hate the sound of them. And they are dirty. And they smell weird. Ugh. I just hate them!" I explain to him. He starts to laugh. I sigh and continue to eat my breakfast.

"Okay. I think you win the weird fear award!" he says through laughs. I glare at him. I scoop my last bite of yogurt, lick it off my spoon, and put it in front of Liam's face, practically touching his lips. He instantly stops laughing. "Wha...umm what are you doing Abbi?" he whispers. I silently laugh and evilly grin at him. "Close your eyes Liam." I say. He shakes his head. "No. Abbi what are you doing?" he says shakily. I put my hand on his chest. It causes his eyes to flutter shut. I barely touch the spoon to his lips before I rip it back and place my lips on his. He smiles and grabs me into his arms. I smile and pull away from his lips. He sighs.

"You scared me." he says, leaning his forehead to mine. I laugh. "I know." I say, and walk away from him. He looks surprised. "That was mean!" he playfully whines, chasing me to the front door. I laugh a little bit.

"I'm sorry babe. But are you ready for school?" I ask him. He grabs his backpack, while I adjust mine on my arms. "Some one has gotten a bit cheeky on me this morning!" he tells me, holding out his hand. I take his hand an we go out to his moms car.

The whole ride to school we blasted the radio and sang abnormally loud. When we finally parked across the street, I was laughing to hard to get out of the car. Liam came around and helped me out. We cross the street holding hands, while I continue to grin like an idiot. "Your so cute." Liam tells me, pecking my cheek quickly.

"Abigail Smith?" I turn around at the sound of my name. My grin fades as I look at the principal of our school with a couple of police officers. "I'm going to need you to come this way dear." he says waving me over with his hand. I look at Liam. He has confusion plastered all over his face. "Abigail. We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

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