Chapter 16

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I hear my phone ringing. I don't want to get up. I was so warm, and close with Abbi right now I didn't want to move. Our legs were tangled together, and I had both of my arms around her. I sigh, and lean back to grab my phone. Niall was calling me. Abbi stirs a bit in my arms. I answer the call and put the phone on my ear. "Hello?" I say. "Liam mate! I have been calling for ages! What are you up to?" he asks me. I look down at Abbi. She is yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Uhh. I'm laying in bed." I say quietly. Technically I wasn't lying to him, I just failed to mention WHO I was laying in bed with. "Well its already ten. You should come play some golf with me!" he says excitedly. Abbi locks eyes with me, and gives me a questioning look about who's on the phone. I smile down at her. I lean down and kiss her nose. She giggles. "Liam?! What the heck was that?" Niall asks me over the phone, sounding shocked. "Umm I'm with Abbi." I say, closing my eyes, waiting for his response. He instantly starts to laugh. "Laim! Your lying in bed with Abbi?! And you said you guys weren't like that!" he says to me. "Hi Niall." Abbi says to the phone, after she hears his loud laugh through the phone. That only makes him laugh harder. "Well I'm gonna call Harry. You two have fun...but not TOO much fun!" he warns me. I shake my head. "Bye Niall." I say, and hang up the phone. Abbi giggles again. I put my phone down and stretch out. It had been the best two hour nap of my life, and I kind of wished it wasn't over. I snuggle back up with Abbi. "Are you hungry?" I ask her. "Yeah." she tells me with a smile. I groan, and lean my head on her. "I don't want to get up. Your so comfortable." I say quietly. She kisses me lightly on the lips. I try to kiss her back, but it doesn't work to well. I pull back and start to shift. "Sorry Liam." Abbi says. I look at her confused. "What?" I ask her. "I didn't mean to kiss you... I uhh. Sorry." she says. I move so that I am laying above her, supporting my weight onto my elbows. "I was just going to move so I could kiss you back." I say, with a grin plastered on my face. She blushes. I capture her lips with mine again. We stay connected for what seems like forever. I pull back reluctantly. "Lets go find something to eat." I tell her. She goes to the bathroom, while I head to the kitchen to look for food. I grab some strawberries and start to wash them. I stick some frozen waffles into the toaster, and go back to the strawberries. I start to sing softly. The waffles pop up in the toaster, and I put them on plates. I lay strawberries across them, and put syrup on top. To finish it, I sprinkle powdered sugar on all of it. Abbi still wasn't back downstairs, so I head to go find her, but almost knock her over in the doorway. "Sorry love! I didn't know you were there." I tell her. She laughs. "I came down right when you started to sing, so I just decided to watch you." she admits to me. I smile at her, and hand her plate of waffles. "Fork?" I say handing on to her. We sit at the dining room table. "This is really good Liam. Thanks...for everything today." she tells me. "I really care about you Abbi. And it hurts me to see you hurting." I tell her. She nods. I think she had a lot on her mind at the moment, and I didn't want to stress her out. " you think you could come with me to my house?" she asks me suddenly. I look at her worried. "Are you alright?" I ask her. "Yeah! I just want to get some of my stuff, because I think this is the only time I can get it. My parents are at work now, and I'm going to try to stay somewhere else tonight." she tells me. There was no way I was going to let her be uncomfortable and scared. "Sure I will go with you." I tell her. We finish breakfast and leave for her house. I hold her hand as we walk, soaking in the closeness of her. When we get to her house she tenses up. We go inside and up to her room. It was everything I expected it to be. I loved it. It reminded me of her. She gets a duffel bag out of her closet, and starts to collect clothes. "Just think...we only have forty three days till we graduate!" she says timidly. I look at her sadly. "You really can't wait to get out of here can you?" I ask her. She laughs a little bit. "I have applied to almost twenty schools all around the U.S. and four here in London. I even have a countdown in my planner." she says. She stops packing, and takes a deep breath. "I'm scared." she whispers. She has her eyes squeezed shut, as she grips the shirt in her hand. "Why?" I ask, stepping so I'm right in front of her. "I'm scared of being alone, and starting my life. But at the same time, it can't happen fast enough." she whispers. I rub her shoulders a bit. "It will all work out." I say to her. She nods and swallows hard. She finishes packing her bag, and we leave again. I hold her bag, and take her hand in mine as we go back to my house. "Sorry for coming over without asking or anything. I just kind of walked here without thinking this morning." Abbi says, while we go into the living room. "Don't be sorry. I'm glad your here. I like spending time with you, and having you close to me." I say. I step right in front of her, and look down into her eyes deeply. We just stare at each other. The soft features of her face look tired and sad. I hug her, just wanting to have her all to me. "I want you to stay here tonight. I will talk to my mum about it." I tell her quietly. She starts to protest, but I stop her by hugging her harder. "And Abbi...I really want you to consider being my girlfriend." I tell her. Her face lights up with happiness. "Really?!" she whispers. I laugh softly and nod. She has a huge grin plastered on her face. "That would be cool." she says. I kiss her softly. I hear a door open then close, and footsteps from the hall. I turn and see my mom standing there. "Hey kids! How are you doing?" she asks. She comes and hugs Abbi, and kisses my cheek. "I'm alright now. Liam helps a lot." Abbi tells my mom. "Umm, mum. Do you think Abbi could stay here for a couple nights while she clears some things up with her parents?" I ask my mom. She looks concerned, but nods her head. "Absolutely!" she says. I rub my hand on Abbi's back. My mom goes to grab some lunch, leaving us alone. "I told you she liked you." I say with a bit of humor in my voice. Abbi laughs and steps into my chest. I swear, every time she is in my arms I can't help but feel like one of those couples in a movie. She fits perfectly in my arms. It's like we are two puzzle prices that have finally found each other. "Liam?" Abbi says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hmm?" I say. She laughs. "Are you okay?" I smile. "Never been better." I tell her.

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