Chapter 17

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"Towels are in the hall closet. Feel free to get anything from the kitchen. My room is right next door, and Liam will be on the couch if you need anything." Liam's mom tells me, as she takes me up to his room.

"I don't know how to say thank you. It's so sweet that your letting me stay." I say to her. She hugs me. "You are welcome here anytime sweetie. Sleep well." she says.

She closes the door behind her and I'm left alone in Liam's room. I let out a breath and collapse onto the bed. My phone buzzes beside me, reminding me of my angry parents. They had been calling me all night, but I refused to pick answer their calls.

I look around Liam's room. Everything is so tidy. I sit up, and read some of the things on his bookshelf. He has some pictures in frames along one shelf, and some books on the bottom. I go over and look at the pictures closer. He has his X-Factor sticker laying there, along with a picture of him in front of the audition door. I walk over and peek inside of his closet. He has a huge suitcase lying on the floor, and shoes thrown all over the floor, but his clothes are hung up perfectly. I shut the door to his closet and sit at his desk.

He has a brand new Mac sitting there. I run my hand across the cold metal. I smile at all of his organized pens, and look at a stack of notebooks in the corner. I pull the top one off, and open it up. Pages of lyrics stare back at me. They are amazing. Almost every single page is covered in Liam's neat handwriting of poems and quotes.

I read through some of them, and nearly fall out of chair when there is a knock on the door. I shriek and slam my knee into the wood of the desk, scattering Liam's pens and notebooks everywhere. I hear a chuckle behind me, as I frantically try to compose myself.

"Sorry to scare you love. I was just going to grab a sweatshirt." Liam says walking over. I nervously giggle and sit on the floor, gathering up his pens.

"Liam I..." he cut me off by talking at the same time. "I see you found my notebook." He points to the open pages on his desk. I squeeze my eyes shut and push my palm to my forehead. He squats down beside me and picks up some of the pens on the carpet.

"Sorry." I say, opening my eyes to judge his reaction. He smiles at me, but then frowns. "Abbi love, your knee is bleeding." he tells me. I look down, and sure enough I have cut my knee where I slammed it into the desk. "Oh man." I say standing up. Liam stands with me.

"I'll be right back." I say, but Liam just follows me to the bathroom. "Here." he says, placing his hands on my hips. He lifts me up onto the counter. I laugh. He grabs a first aide kit and a washcloth, wetting it and placing it on my knee. He takes out some ointment and a band aide. He takes the washcloth off, and smiles down at me. He puts the cream on the band aide and puts it on the cut.

"Thanks Liam." he kisses over the cut once and then puts the first aide kit away. He steps between my legs, and I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him slightly.

"I feel bad that your on the couch. I mean I can sleep down there." I tell him. he shakes his head at me. "No. No way am I letting my girlfriend sleep on the uncomfortable couch." he tells me. I blush at his words, and lean my head into his chest. He fingers my hair softly.

"I like calling you my girlfriend." he whispers. I look up at him. He closes the space between us and presses his lips to mine. I put my hands in his hair and tug lightly. The motion makes him press even closer to me and kiss harder. I smile against his lips. I guess I found his weakness. The kiss gets deeper and deeper. I pull back to breath and Liam doesn't stop. He presses his lips to my neck.

"Liam." I moan. He continues to suck at my sweet spot. I try to pull his shoulders. "Liam." I say breathlessly. He pulls away and looks at me. "I need to change and brush my teeth." I say laughing. He kisses my nose and pulls me off the counter.

I go to his room and pull my night clothes out of my bag. I go change in the bathroom. Liam is leaning against the doorway to the bathroom when I come back out.

He looks over my pajama pants and t-shirt. I playfully look over him. He looks really nice in his basketball shorts and plain black t-shirt.

"This reminds me of our comfy day at school." he says to me. I laugh and throw my clothes into my bag. I look over at Liam.

"Do you want me to tuck you in?" he asks. I laugh.

"No. I think I can manage." I say. He comes and hugs me.

"Sweet dreams Abbi." he whispers, pecking my lips for a final time.

"Night Liam." I say softly. He closes the door. I move my bag off of his bed and plug my phone in. I climb under his blanket, and take a deep breath.

It smelt like him. I shut off the light and grab the extra pillow, hugging it tightly to my chest.

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