Chapter 8

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At the end of the day, I walk out with Liam. "There's a place not to far from here, if you don't mind walking." he tells me.

I was kind if nervous to hang out with him. I mean he is famous, and there are thousands of girls out there who love him. What would any one think if they saw us together?

"Okay. That's fine." I tell him. We start to walk.

Neither of us are talking. I look up at Liam, and see he is already looking at me. I smile and blush, turning away from his eye contact.

"So have you settled into London yet?" he asks me. "Not really." I admit to him. I don't know what it was, I just felt like I could tell him anything. "Oh I'm sorry. I know it had to be extremely hard to move here from the U.S." he says. We arrive at a small cafe on the corner of the street. "Here we are." Liam tells me, opening the door.

The smell of coffee and pastries fills my nose. It was so pleasant and peaceful here. We order some coffee and some apple crisps. "How are your classes going?" Liam asks me. "Pretty good. The grading system here is a little different. But I'm getting used to it." I tell him. I sip my coffee. "I hope your okay. Like... I don't want to be rude or anything, but you seem to be a little down these days at school." Liam tells me softly.

So he noticed? Does that mean everyone else did to? Hunter was the only person I talked to at school, besides One Direction. And I don't think Hunter talked to Liam. "I'm struggling." I blurt out. I just felt like I wanted to tell someone.

"I am having a terrible time arguing with my dad, and not telling my mom anything, because I'm afraid she is going to tell my dad. I just... I hate my dads job. I mean we have moved so much, and when I was finally settled in Ohio, and doing really good in school, we move here!" I tell him.

Liam doesn't say anything. He just let's me continue. "And I hate that I have no friends. I have no one to talk to." I say. I stop, and hold my breath. I look down at the table. "You can talk to me. Anytime. Anywhere. I will listen." Liam says suddenly. I smile, still not looking up. "Look at me." Liam says. I slowly look up into his eyes. "You will be fine. London isn't that bad! I promise." he assures me. I smile sadly, and feel a tear fall. He reaches over and wipes it off of my cheek.

"Come on! I want to show you something!" Liam says. He grabs his coffee, and then stands and grabs my hand. He pulls me up. I take my coffee and we walk out to the street again. "Where are we going?" I ask him. "I'm going to show you London!" he tells me. He hails a taxi and we get in. "We need the finest tour of London please!" Liam says to the driver. "If you could take us around the city for the night it would be fantastic." I look at Liam. He was so sweet. "Sure thing!" the driver says.

Liam looks down at me. "Get ready to fall in love with London!" he says. I smile and sit back in my seat.

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