Chapter 10

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I got through the front door without being noticed, but as soon as I was outside my bedroom, my dad appeared. "Where have you been young lady?!" he questions me. I was dreading this moment. "I uhh... I was with a friend. We were studying." I say trying to sound convincing.

He studies my face. "Who's this 'friend' your hanging out with now?" he asks harshly. "His names Liam." I say quietly. "You mean to tell me you were out, on a school night! Until almost eight o'clock, with a boy?!" he screams. My mom comes up the stairs and stands with him. "What's the problem now Doug?" she asks him. "Our daughter just got home after sneaking around with some boy!" he tells her. She glares at me.

"Is this true Abigail?!" she asks me, making me cringe by using my full name. "Yes mom! I was with a boy. He was showing me around London! And I had fun! Is that such a problem?! He's a good guy! It's not like he is some creep!" I tell her. She looks a me shocked. "Why didn't you call and tell us?" she asks me. I let out a loud huff. "Because I'm seventeen almost eighteen years old! I don't need to tell you every single thing I do!" I scream.

I walk into my room and slam my door. I sink down to the floor. I can't wait to graduate. To get out of the house, and to move into my own place. And go to college! Get a job! And stay in one city, not having to move halfway across the world every year! There is so much that I could have, that I don't have now. I'm so frustrated! Why do my parents still treat me like a child?! I kick off my shoes, and change into some pajamas. I sit at my desk with my homework and pull my iPod out and put my earbuds in my ears.

"Goodbye outside world!" I mumble to myself, and turn on my music.

What Makes You Beautiful (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now