Chapter 21

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Words can't describe what I'm feeling right now. I sat alone in my row on the plane, the two empty seats next to me making a harsh reminder of the source of all my anger. When we got to the airport, my parents walked me to my flight gate and watched until they knew I was in the air to leave. All I had with me was my backpack. They had taken my phone away from me. As soon as I sat down on the plane, I began to cry. Why did this have to be happening right now?! Right when I was finally happy for once! "Honey, do you need anything?" a flight attendant asks, coming over to me. I shake my head, not trusting my voice. She hands me a small pouch of tissues and continues making her rounds to the passengers. I leave them unopened and try to fall asleep. As soon as I feel myself relax, I keep having awful thoughts about Liam. What is he going to think of me? I just left him without any explanation or any goodbye. I just picture all of our happy moments and fall asleep.

"Sweetie. Oh gosh! Love, we have landed in New York. Time to wake up." I hear a soft voice saying to me. I open my eyes to an empty plane and a short flight attendant standing in front of me.

"Sorry!" I say, standing to collect my backpack. She walks me off the plane, and once again I'm left alone. I walk around, trying to find the baggage claim to meet my aunt.

I stand reading a directory sign when I hear what sounds like a small stampede of screaming people. I look to my left and go bug eyed when I see Liam and his mom running as fast as they can from a pack of screaming girls. Liam catches sight of me and pulls his mom towards me. I can't move. I feel like at any second I'm going to wake up from this dream and be in the plane again. But reality comes back when Liam yanks me away from my frozen state. I run along with them, not sure where we are going.

"There!" Liam's mom shouts, pointing to a family restroom. We make it to the door and pull the door open, practically falling inside. Liam locks the door, and leans his head onto the wood taking heavy breaths. His mom slides down to the ground and throws her purse down, along with her shoes. "My god!" she moans. Suddenly I remember what is happening. I drop my backpack and run into Liam's arms. He doesn't expect it, so he slams back into the door. I can't help but laugh a bit. "Sorry!" I gush. He wraps his arms around me. "What are you doing here?!" I ask, stepping back for him but not breaking our contact. I feel like if I let him go that we might be taken away from each other again. "I wasn't about to let you go! Not when I just got you." he says into my hair.

This whole moment was perfect, except for the unbearable screaming and banging coming from the other side of the door. "We really really need security! We are currently in one of your family restrooms, while a couple dozen people surround the door outside!" Liam's mom says loudly. She was on the phone trying to find a way for help to get out of the bathroom we were currently in.

"You know I'm really sorry that your parents don't like me." Liam tells me quietly. I shake my head, and lean my head on his chest. "It doesn't matter if they do or not. I'm going to be eighteen in about three weeks, and they can't stop me from being with you." I say. He sighs and kisses my forehead.

"Well..." Liam's mom says, breaking the quietness of the bathroom. "They are sending security to fetch us." she says. "I have to find my aunt." I say sadly. I grab my backpack and pull out a piece of paper.

"Can you write down any way that I can contact you?" I ask Liam. He looks at me confused. "I have nineteen days until I'm eighteen. As soon as I can, I'm going to come back to London and finish out the like twenty days of school we will have left." I tell him. He takes the paper and starts scribbling down things.

"Security! We can escort you out now!" says a voice through the door. He continues to quickly write down stuff on the paper. Suddenly the noise from outside the bathroom get a lot louder as Liam's mom opens the door. Liam finishes up writing, folds the paper up and grabs my hand. The fans outside become louder as we walk out of the bathroom. They are shouting and taking pictures of us. When we come across the baggage claim area, we are still surrounded by the cray mass of people. I can't see my aunt but I know she has to be near.

"I will call you as soon as I can. I'm sorry that-" my sentence is cut off by Liam's lips falling onto mine. He pulls me as close as I can physically get to him. The sudden show of affection has caused our audience we have go insane.

"You will always be mine... no matter what." Liam whispers in my ear, pulling our lips apart. We both are getting teary. "I will see you soon." he says, planting a final kiss on me. One of the security guys walks with me through the screaming people. I see my aunt standing on a bench.

"Abigail! You just missed it! I think some famous couple just had a make out session over there!" she tells me, jumping off the seat. "Well they weren't kidding when they said you were in trouble. Security now eh?" she says, eyeing the officer up. I still haven't said a word. It was all to much for me. My aunt slips her arm around me and takes me to her car. "You seem like you have changed since I saw you last." she says while we are driving. I force myself to hold in the tears, as I stare out the window. I had to be strong. I was determined to get back to London.

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