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- time skip to the 'double date' -

All week Atsumu and Sakusa were planning the perfect set up for Saturday night when they'd confess. Atsumu texted Oikawa the details that Thursday and again to remind him later. They had finalised the plans.
However, all week Iwaizumi and Oikawa had been trying to figure out what could their best friends and love interests possibly have in store for them. Along with that they had also been planning how to confess their feelings when they went out. They had also brung clothes to change into since they were staying the night. So they figured they had plenty of time to confess.

The four of them met up mid avro, so about 4pm, at a park they went to quite often, it was between their houses smack bang in the middle, so they spent a lot of time there. Since it was easier and also a nice place to go. "KAWABABE!!!" Atsumu yelled before tackling Oikawa in a hug. "Hey Atsubabe."
"Hey Iwa." Sakusa went to Iwaizumi before giving them a small hug. "Hey Kiyo." "Hey Kawa." Sakusa hugged Oikawa. "Hey Kiki!"
"Hey Iwaizumi." Atsumu said before giving him a smile.
"Hello Atsumu." Iwaizumi responded and gave a smile back at him. "How were you guys this week?"
"We were good, how about you guys?" Sakusa answered.
"Same here, although Kawa has been really excited for today."

Atsumu and Iwaizumi weren't as close as the others but they did love each other. There interactions were smaller and more subtle than the others. Although Oikawa and Sakusa silently thought is was cute the way they acted.

"Let's go! We're going to Omi's we have a surprise for you guys!!!" Atsumu said with a wide smile which caused the other three males to smile. Oikawa and Atsumu linked arms walking ahead of Iwaizumi and Sakusa in the direction of Sakusa's house. They walked for about 5 minutes talking to each other about nothing and everything, sharing laughs before arriving at their destination. It was clear they were enjoying each other's company, with no worries in the world. When they had gone inside they had set their things down, Atsumu basically lived there so he didn't have a bag with him.
"Kawababe, let's cook dinner. I know you love cooking like me so let's make dinner. And dance."
"Hell yeah!"
"DON'T BURN DOWN KIYO'S KITCHEN KAWA!" Iwaizumi yelled as the other two mad there way to the kitchen.

Laughing with wide smiles Oikawa and Atsumu started dancing after starting dinner, while Iwa and Sakusa were watching with fondness in their eyes. There was no doubt the four of them were in a bubble of happiness. A bubble that was hopefully going to last. After about an hour of pure joy they heard. "Dinner is done! Can you two set the table?" from Oikawa directing the question at Sakusa and Iwaizumi. The two who hadn't done much.
"Yeah sure Babykawa." Iwaizumi replied.

They set up for dinner and ate talking about how things were. "So Atsubabe, how's 'Samu and Suna?"
Oikawa had asked. "Well they are still protective, as well as Kita. I basically live here with Omi. To be fair Suna did move in with us and since then whenever I see them I wanna puke. Plus hardly any sleep with their horny asses in the house." The four of them laughed. "Well Atsu why don't you move in? You basically live here already." Sakusa asked. "Really Omi?!" "Yes bubs." " Yay! Oh Omi it's time."

Oikawa and Iwaizumi had been silent and gave them a look. "Time for what?" Iwa had asked curiously. "Follow us." Sakusa had said now they had finished dinner. They followed the other two into the backyard where they had set up a projector and a blanket with pillows under the stars. The pillows made a sort of wall to rest their backs on and snacks had been set out over the blanket. "What's all this?" Oikawa asked. "Umm it's a movie under the stars." Atsumu had said shyly. "What movie?" Iwaizumi had asked. Atsumu being a little more shy around Iwa he turned to Sakusa to answer. Sakusa let out a small chuckle before saying "Godzilla."
"Why'd you do all of this?" Oikawa asked sceptically.
"Well we umm have something to tell you guys. So promise you'll hear us out when we tell you this. Please don't hate us after we tell you." Atsumu had said softly and panic was evident in his voice.
"So Atsu and I have feelings for the both of you. We figured it out and we planned this so we could confess. We really hope you don't leave us for this." Sakusa had said.
"Is this true?" Oikawa asked.
"Yeah, yeah it is." Atsumu answered before getting pulled into a kiss by Oikawa. This left Sakusa and Iwaizumi stunned. Before they laughed. Iwa turned to Sakusa and held his hand. "Hey Kiyo, can I kiss you?" Sakusa nodded in response. They shared a short sweet kiss. "Kiki I want a kiss too!" Oikawa complained before Sakusa gave him and kiss. Atsumu was too shy to ask Iwaizumi for one at the moment. So they had left it alone.
"Umm, does this mean you love us too?" Atsumu had asked. Iwaizumi could tell that Atsumu was anxious around him so he decided to answer. "Yes it does." Atsumu smiled and blushed. Happy that their feelings had been returned.

They put on the movie and cuddled together on the blankets and pillows that they had set up. Oikawa was cuddling with Sakusa playing with his hair and Atsumu was near Iwaizumi. Atsumu and Iwaizumi's shoulders were touching but Atsumu seemed a bit stiff. Iwaizumi noticed this so he decided he'd do something about it, so he had grabbed Atsumu's had and intertwined their fingers. He squeezed it three times as a way to 'I love you.' A smile appeared on Atsumu's face and Iwaizumi took notice of it causing him to smile as well. Atsumu squeezed back four times in response before he rested his head on Iwaizumi's shoulder. The entire time Oikawa and Sakusa just watched with smiles on their faces.
"They are so cute, especially Atsumu right now. Being all shy. Fuck he is adorable." Oikawa whispered to Sakusa. "Your not wrong Tooru, look how gentle Iwa is with him. It's such a cute sight." Sakusa whispered back. "You called me by my first name." Oikawa said. "Yeah I did, is that okay?"
"Yea it's fine, I found it hot." "That's good then, Tooru." They leaned in and kissed each other.

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