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After that they went to Atsumu's house to grab some things. When they got there Suna and Osamu were in the kitchen waiting for Atsumu.
As soon as they entered the house Osamu ran and hugged Atsumu.
"Atsumu! I'm so so sorry. I just didn't want to see you hurt...wait why does it look like you've been crying? Tsumu why were you crying? Was it me?"
"No it wasn't you Osamu. Makki and Mattsun assumed Iwaizumi and Atsumu were cheating and let's just say they only blamed Atsumu and they made him cry and we had to stop a murder." Oikawa explained.
"I will kill them."
"Osamu you did the same thing, punching me." Sakusa snapped.
"Anyways Samu! I'm here to get some things. I'm moving in with my Omi Omi, Kawababe and Haji! I'll get the rest later though." Atsumu had said before leaving to get his things.

Osamu was stunned and what his twin had said but just looked at the other three who were there. He was going to threaten them to treat his brother right but he ended up listening to them. "So Iwa-chan, Kiki! We need to make tonight a special night so that Atsumu is cheered up. And since it's about 3 in the Arvo let's hatch ideas while he gets his things."
" I agree Tooru, so let's do Fatty Tuna for dinner." Sakusa added.
"Movies in bed with the Tuna and cuddles!" Oikawa was building on the idea while Iwaizumi left.
Osamu noticed and followed him, they went to Atsumu's room. Osamu kept distance just observing quietly.

Atsumu was on his bed crying when Iwaizumi walked in. Iwaizumi just got onto the bed and grabbed Atsumu. Pulling him into his chest while sitting in his lap. Iwaizumi was stroking Atsumu's hair whilst rocking slightly until Atsumu calmed down a bit.
"Today was a long day wasn't it?" Iwa asked to which Atsumu just nodded. "I know we are taking things slower than the others with each other and that's fine. Baby that's fine, but just know that I'm here okay? I love you. You haven't done anything wrong today or any other day. We all love you Atsumu. Your fucking amazing. I'm so sorry that I was angry today. That probably made things worse for you...sorry for that."
"Haji, you don't need to apologise. Everything today was my fault. All the bad was my fault. You three would be better without me. Don't apologise it was all on me."
"No, none of this is your fault. You hear me? None of it." Iwaizumi looked down at a puffy eyed Atsumu staring at him. He cupped on of his cheeks. "Tsu we love you. I love you." Iwaizumi leant down a little and kissed Atsumu.

The kiss was sweet and loving and Atsumu kissed back. Atsumu repositioned himself so he was now straddling Iwaizumi. They pulled away to catch their breaths. "Absolutely beautiful." Iwa said before kissing Atsumu again. This one was shorter, just a peck.
( Osamu had left when they started kissing cause he didn't wanna see that. )
"Want some help getting some of your things puppy? The others are waiting for us."
"Yes please Haji."

About five minutes later they went back to the others. Sakusa and Oikawa had already planned everything for that night. "Where were you loves?"
Sakusa asked. "Getting my things Omi Omi. I just needed to breath a minute. So we took a little while."
"Atsubabe. I want kisses!" Oikawa whined.
Atsumu went over and plastered kisses all over Oikawa's face. Oikawa was smiling before they kissed. Sakusa and Iwaizumi giggled. "God they are fucking precious." Iwaizumi thought out loud.
"Yeah they really are we are so fucking luck Iwa."
"You called me Hajime earlier tho Kiyo."
"Fine then...Hajime." Then Sakusa and Iwa kissed.

Suna and Osamu were just like: 👁👄👁
"This is gonna take some getting use to. Isn't it Samu?" Suna had said. "Yeah Rin it really fucking is, but from what I've seen today they really love each other. It's cute however if they hurt him they'll die!"

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