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Atsumu woke up first, he felt he was surrounded by warmth. He saw Oikawa and Iwaizumi in the bed with him and Sakusa and smiled recalling last nights events. Atsumu ever so carefully sat up resting his back on the head board and looked at all his three boyfriends. He kissed Sakusa's moles and Oikawa's forehead before gently getting off the bed. He didn't know Iwaizumi was awake so as he got off the bed Iwa sat up.
"Good morning beautiful." Iwa said quietly in his morning voice. "No kiss for me?"
When Atsumu looked at Iwaizumi he blushed and walked towards him. He went to Iwa's side of the bed and grabbed his hand. He gently tugged as a way to get him up. Iwaizumi stood up with a questioning look before he followed Atsumu out of the room while holding his hand. They went into the kitchen and Atsumu put on his music but not too loud and he started making breakfast
"Morning Haji." Atsumu said quietly. But Iwa heard it and he smiled. "So no morning kisses for me?" Iwa asked again. Atsumu blushed and Iwa walked towards him and grabbed his waist before pulling him close. He looked him in the eyes before hugging him. Atsumu buried his head into Iwa's neck. He gave a small kiss on the neck. The pulled back. "Thanks for my morning kiss. Here is yours." Iwa said before kissing Atsumu's forehead.
"Wanna help me with breakfast?"
"Sure baby. Also can you keep calling me what you said earlier? It was super cute."
"Sure Haji. I love you."
"I love you too puppy."

They made breakfast before going to wake up Sakusa and Oikawa. Atsumu woke Oikawa up and Iwa woke up Sakusa. "Morning loves." Sakusa said before kissing Iwa and Oikawa. "Morning." Oikawa said before kissing Atsu and Iwa. "Omi, kisses?🥺" Atsumu pulled out his puppy eyes and Sakusa just laughed and kissed him. "Atsu where is Iwa's kiss?"
Sakusa asked. "Yeah Atsubabe, where is his kiss?" Oikawa teased. Atsumu blushed and he turned he faced Iwa. He looked Iwa in the eye shyly and lightly bit his lip because he was anxious. "Come here Tsu." Iwa said and Atsumu stepped closer. Iwa leant down a little and kissed Atsumu on the cheek before giving him a small hug. (In this Au Iwa and Sakusa are taller than Oikawa and Atsumu and Atsumu is the shortest.) Atsumu went red and buried his face in Iwaizumi's neck. He gave a soft kiss on it before turning to the other two who were smiling. "Haji and I made breakfast for us. Let's go because Omi and Kawababe have to make the drinks." Atsumu smiled before leaving.

They sat down and started talking. "Hey Omi Omi, am I still allowed to move in?" "Yeah of course Atsu. Hey Iwa, Tooru wanna move in as well?" "YES!" Oikawa basically yelled. "Yeah Kiyo we would love to." "YAY HAJI AND KAWABABE ARE MOVING IN!" Atsumu yelled in happiness causing all of them to laugh. "Guys you know we have to tell the others." Sakusa said. "I don't want the Atsumu protection squad to kill me!" Oikawa stated causing the three with him to laugh.
"I won't ever let them hurt the people I love, and they wouldn't hurt you guys because I love you all."
"Yeah. How about we go on a date today. Then tell them later?" Iwaizumi suggested. "Yes!" Atsumu and oikawa yelled at the same time.

They all went out to the cafe, Iwa and Sakusa ordered while Oikawa and Atsumu got seats. They didn't know Osamu, Suna and Kita went to the cafe and saw them. They were gonna talk to Sakusa about Atsumu when they saw Iwaizumi and Sakusa in line. So imagine their shock when they witnessed Iwaizumi and Sakusa kiss. "I love you Iwa."
"I love you too Kiyo."

Osamu snapped he walked over and punched Sakusa.
"SAKUSA KIYOOMI HOW FUCKING DARE YOU CHEAT ON MY BROTHER!" This caught the attention of everyone in the cafe. Atsumu ran over to the situation. "OSAMU WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU PUNCH MY BOYFRIEND?!"
"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE YELL AT ATSUMU LIKE THAT!" Oikawa yelled and pushed Osamu away from where he was in front of Atsumu. Iwaizumi was mad, calm but mad his boyfriends were getting yelled at. One got punched he was fuming.
"Let's go outside we're causing a scene." Kita said and they went outside. As soon as they left Iwaizumi grabbed Osamu by the collar and pinned him to a wall. The others were shocked except for Oikawa, knowing that Iwaizumi has always been protective of those he loves.

"If you ever and I mean ever punch my boyfriends or yell at them again I will kill you." Iwaizumi said in a dangerous tone.
"Iwa-chan let Osamu go. It was a misunderstanding. I know your protective of us but Osamu is the same with Atsu. He doesn't know so let him go." Oikawa said calmly putting his hand on Iwaizumi's shoulder.
"He punched Kiyo and yelled at Tsu!"
"Hey Iwa, I'm fine okay. It's fine." Sakusa said.
Iwaizumi still had Osamu on the wall and Suna was recording everything. Kita was quiet and observing everything.
"Haji, please🥺" Atsu finally said with his puppy eyes. Iwaizumi let go of Osamu and turned to the three of them. He looked at Sakusa's eye and cupped his face inspecting it before kissing where the bruise is forming. This just pissed off Osamu and confused him. Oikawa then grabbed Sakusa's hand before leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. "You okay Kiki?" "Yeah Tooru, love I'm fine."
Atsumu was just standing there under the intense gaze of his friends and brother. (They also don't play volleyball) "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! MIYA FUCKING ATSUMU EXPLAIN THIS SHIT RIGHT FUCKING NOW OR SO HELP ME I WILL MAKE YOU!" Osamu yelled. Atsumu slightly whimpered because he is was being yelled at. Atsumu didn't do well when in these situations. How was he gonna explain this?

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