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TW: PANIC ATTACK - there are descriptions of a panic attack and anxiety is a heavy theme throughout this chapter. I will put *** before and after the description of the panic attack so that you can still read the chapter and skip the panic attack scene.

The four of them woke up rather early and prepared themselves to go to school and face everyone, although they were excited to spend time with their friends and catch up on their school work. They all actually didn't hate school because they all chose subjects that they loved and had interest in although it is stressful. Especially since they are part way through their last year. Kiyoomi, while he is extremely smart does lack motivation to do his work sometimes which affects his mental health, although he is currently talking to his year advisor at the school to see what options he has so he can do the work to the best of his ability while also not putting more pressure on himself or having it affect his mental health in a negative way. He was going to have a meeting with that teacher today, both his parents know about this and support whatever decision he makes for his education.

Kiyoomi did have anxiety but was very good at hiding or managing it the majority of the time, but when it came to his education he was extremely stressed thinking that he had to be the best and make all these amazing achievements but that pressure made him loose motivation and fall behind in a few things. Which took a toll on his mental health and attitude towards his education although many of his teachers were very understanding. His lovers knew this and each of them supported him in their own ways.

Tooru would buy 'study food' which were usually comfort foods/drinks for Kiyoomi that lifted his mood and did sometimes help.

Atsumu would write encourage notes, either a full page worths or just small sticky notes that he would leave for Kiyoomi in random places which really made Kiyoomi happy and motivated to try his best but never really made him feel pressured unless it was abad day for him.

Hajime would sit with Kiyoomi when he was overwhelmed or confused by something and either help explain it or just listen to Kiyoomi rant about how he was feeling or talk about what he was learning.

Kiyoomi walked into the year advisor's office nervously, when he sat down he noticed he was tapping his fingers on his thigh anxiously. As the advisor sat across from him he started taking deeper breaths and focusing on staying clam until he felt ready to speak and start the meeting.

"So Sakusa, have you thought about any options that we talked about?" The advisor asked, referring to their previous meeting much earlier in the year.

"Uh if it's possible could I continue my studies but divide my subjects so that I am doing half this year and half next? So I can do the best I can without overworking myself?" Kiyoomi anxiously suggested but the advisor smiled.

"Of course you can. I really do believe that would be the best fit for you. So which subjects would you like to keep for this year and which ones would you wish to do next year?"

"I was thinking of keeping my language studies, like English and Japanese as well as mathematics and my legal studies this year. As for next year, I would like to do my sciences, which are my chemistry and physics as well as my business studies." Kiyoomi told the educational advisor who wrote it all down and nodded.

"I'll be in touch with your teachers to change your timetable and classes, doing this would also mean that you are going to have more free/study periods."

"I am aware of that. Anyways, thank you for doing this for me sir. When do you think I'll be able to make that change to my timetable?"

"As soon as I tell your teachers and get your timetable done you'll be ready to go. So possibly before the end of this week." The educational advisor said as he got up from his chair along with Kiyoomi and walked the younger to the door of his office. "It was good talking to you Sakusa. I hope your studies go well."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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