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Upon going to the cafe the Atsumu and Oikawa went to the the table to sit down while the other two ordered their food and drinks, they had talked about what they wanted on the way there. When the other two came back after ordering they sat down with Sakusa and Iwaizumi on one side and on the other Oikawa and Atsumu with Sakuatsu across from each other and Iwaoi across from each other.

"I have a question that I've been thinking about since we got together." Sakusa spoke up and they all looked at him.

"What is it, love?" Oikawa asked.

"If Maki and Mattsun are your best friends why are they acting like this?" Sakusa asked and Iwaizumi and Oikawa shared a look and nodded.

"We figured we'd have to tell you eventually." Oikawa started. "I guess now is that time so Iwa-Chan you explain." Oikawa said and passed the burden to Iwaizumi.

"Firstly, don't be mad we never told you but Maki and Mattsun are our exes. The four of us dated a few years back, it was for a few months but then they started getting a bit too much. You all know with me I take things slowly in a relationship and so does Kawa but we both have things we need from a relationship, like support and love. And for the first month or so things were going great, at that time me and Oikawa, we were still questioning if the feelings of romantic love or if we just loved them as friends."

"They were understanding of it at first, that we needed time and to get use to being in a polyamorous relationship. I mean that was our first one. But at the start of the second month they would get upset or frustrated if we didn't say 'I love you' to them even though we weren't ready. It's not like it was toxic or anything but eventually us not saying it was hurting them. They kinda wanted me to wear feminine clothing more often than I was comfortable with, I am a femboy, no doubt about that but it got to the point I was feeling uncomfortable and they didn't really care about it or how I was feeling." Oikawa continued from where Iwaizumi left off.

"I mean it felt like they were expecting a lot from us and pressuring us then not caring when we spoke to them and by month 4 it felt like our long time friendship was going to be completely destroyed if we continued this relationship. We still were in the middle of figuring out our real feelings for them and we decided our friendship with the two were more important than trying this obviously unhealthy relationship. They never meant to hurt us and we never meant to hurt them we just weren't good for each other in that way. So we ended it and worked on our friendship although it was very awkward for a little it got better over time." Iwaizumi finished the story and Atsumu put a hand on Oikawa's and Sakusa did the same to Iwaizumi.

"Thank you for telling us and I am sorry you guys felt that way in a relationship. If you ever feel like that with us please tell us." Atsumu said with a gentle smile.

"Exactly, we love the two of you so much and would do anything to make you happy." Sakusa added.

"We love you guys too, it's why when I realised my feeling for you two I sat on it for a while to make sure before telling Kawa."

"And I felt the same. We knew we loved you before we accepted the confession and since then everything in our relationship has been beautiful. We are sorry for hiding this from you, we figured it would stop after the first two times but it got worse and worse." Oikawa said and apologised and Atsumu kissed Oikawa's temple.

"Ru, don't apologise for someone else's actions. This isn't either yours or Haji's fault. We can understand why you didn't want to talk about it, it wasn't the best time for either of you and we are happy you did tell us." Atsumu said and Oikawa giggled.

"Thank you Su, I love you so much. I love all of you so much." Oikawa said and the three responded in unison "We love you too".

"What does everyone want to do today?" Iwaizumi asked.

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