Perfect Places? (2)

43 2 5

Warnings: swearing, The spilling of the secrets, and uhh tea.

the slant words are thoughts oki?





"For you?"

Oh my god, should I tell them?

"He's with his death eater friends isn't he"

"Yes he is that's why she's panicking peter."

If I tell them, what would they think of me? 

"Okay guys just-" I heard Remus say

"Y/n?" Sirius cut him off

It's now or never y/n, do it.

"Yes?" I looked up at him as I spoke in a low voice.

"Why is he looking for you?" Sirius said slowly to calm me down a bit.

 It's okay, the only way you be saved from him is if you tell them. You can confundo them later if they don't understand.

I took a deep breath, and started talking, slowly.

"Well, I haven't told you guys.....everything"

"What do you mean?" James asked in a worried voice

"So you guys know how Rudolphus and his 'friends' have been trying to persuade me into joining the death eaters. Under Vol- Sorry peter- You Know Who's orders, right?" They all nodded.

 "And well, they gave me some time to join voluntarily before they make me join by force and uhh... "

"Time's ended" Remus realized


"So now what?" Sirius sounded worried

"There's ONE way to be saved from them for now, but I'm not sure if i should tell you guys." maybe, just maybe, they'll understand. Sirius will y/n, do it. Just tell them

"Hey y/n, it's okay" James assured. "We understand" Remus encouraged. "I will y/n" Sirius gave me a small smile. "Yes y/n" Peter squeaked (Get it?) , and I could see that he was terrified more than me.

"Thanks guys" I smiled at them. "So here goes..." I said slowly. "I'm an animagus"

"WHAT" They all shrieked.

"See this is why I don't tell you guys anything"

"Y/n this is-" Remus said


"YEAH" James bellowed.

"And there's more-"

I quickly transformed into my animagus and I looked up to see that all of their faces were very pale.

Sirius' POV

"Hey kitten" I beamed at her (TELL ME YOU GET THIS)

She looks so cute like a floof ball. I just wanna hold her in my arms forever. Wait what? I did not just think of this.

"You're a cat?" James asked

she meowed that vaguely sounded like a 'yes'.

She transformed back to herself.

"Hey guys" she beamed at us.


"Cry all you want to rem, but this is the only way I could find to be out of trouble."

"Well.... what now?" James asked

"Yeah n/n what do we do now?" I repeated

"I'll be a cat and-"

"Your brother is coming y/n" peter sounded afraid.

"Okay okay uhmmm-" she transformed to her cat form

We were thinking of what to do.

How did she become an animagus so quickly?

Rudolphus entered with his 'friends'.

"Tell me where y/n is" Mulciber said

"She's not here" I said

"Oh? I heard some girl talk about y/n going into your carriage" Her brother said looking angry.

"She's. not. here" Remus said sternly

"She left a few minutes ago" James added

"Then who's this?" He asked.



word count : 581 words

So yeah

guess who's writing during school?



The secrets have been spilled and Sirius is falling for us :)

-iaccioedsiriusblack - 9/6/21

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