Christmas Catastrophe of 1976

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Warnings: you turn evil


"Ok, so I probably won't have time for another one of these until next term," Remus told us, his study group, glancing at the nearby grandfather clock. It was almost nine o'clock in the evening. He looked up at their eager faces, and had to look down at his papers again - it was unnerving, commanding that much attention, "But I'm here almost every night anyway, so if you just had some quick questions..."

"Thanks, Lupin," the group chorused as they began to tidy up and disband.

"Happy Christmas," he nodded, as they dispersed off to their own corners of the common room, or else to bed.

after some time, Y/n was in the common room, and she heard "Moonyyyyy!" Sirius's voice wailed down the stairs from the boy's dorms, "James is throwing snowballs at me, stop hiiiim!"

"I told you lot to stop scraping snow off the roof!" y/n yelled at them, not looking up from her homework at all.

Well, Remus did bring reinforcements. Lily made them clean the common room mess they made.....


Y/n had a meeting with Dumbledore again, and well, he wanted her to get to know all of the Slytherins. Not just that, he wanted y/n to go for a meeting after she got an invitation from Bellatrix Black. 

This was why she was spending the Christmas with her family. She had to apologize for her behaviour, and make it up to them. Join them under cover. She was thrilled to be a part of a mission, but she couldn't help but think why Dumbledore would put a minor on such a risky mission

 "They'd be thrilled to know that Sirius Black and I broke up." she was talking to herself while drawing a star chart. 

It was a bitterly cold winter that year, and snow began to fall early over the castle. The marauders used this to great effect, and James perfected a spell which enabled the suits of armour which lined most of the classroom corridors to spit snowballs from their visors at various intervals. Remus liked the cold – or maybe he just liked wrapping up warm and sitting by the fire. In the winter at least no one asked why he wore long sleeves all the time.

They walked James, Y/n and Peter down to the edge of the grounds – as far as Remus could go.

"You sure?" James asked, one last time, "Ferox never said you weren't allowed, and Mum and Dad honestly wouldn't mind at all..."

"Next year, hopefully," Remus shrugged, "It might all be over by then. And I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to your family because of me."

"Black? You're really going to say no to Mrs. Potter's mince pies?" Y/n asked

"Ah, but I'm not, my dear y/n," Sirius grinned from behind his red and gold scarf, "She sent some ahead, first thing this morning. I've got an entire tin full."

"Foiled again," James smirked. He hugged Sirius, and then Remus, who was taken aback; followed by y/n doing the same.

"Go on, get on the train, eh?" Sirius punched him in the shoulder, "You'll have Evans all to yourself..."

James winked at him, then hurried away, Pete scurrying along behind him, waving to Remus and Sirius. The two boys staying behind stood there for a little while, watching the black cloaked students trudging through the pure white snow, all talking merrily about their plans for the break, the presents they looked forward to, and their eagerness to see their families.

"Why are you going to your parents though? I thought you were on bad terms with them"

"I was, but then they said stuff like 'we're sorry', 'we're guilty' and 'we'll treat you better' so I thought I'll give it a shot." she shrugged

"Okay, but if they start annoying you with the death eater business just come back here with us okay?" Remus spoke from under his gryffindor jumper.

"Yes, Rem, don't worry" She assured him.

"Bye, y/n, I won't miss you" Sirius grinned at her

"Me neither," she replied cheekily

She went into Hogsmeade and to the train station. She turned around again, waving at them frantically. They waved back with the same energy.

"Snape was approaching them, that's gotta be unpleasant" she mumbled while going towards the train

On the train, she planned on spending the first half with James, Peter, Lily, Marlene and dreamy looking Alice. The second half with the Slytherins. 

...... That's exactly how it went, quite unexpectedly. Snape had a few disagreements about y/n's existence, but Regulus was under the impression that she only went home because she loved the Malfoy masquerade ball.

Regulus and Y/n were very close, turns out, the thing y/n said no to, he said yes to. She pitied him, didn't say anything though. 


They reached platform 9¾ after hours, and finally, she saw her brothers outside the platform. She quickly said goodbye to her fellow Gryffindors quickly. 

"All right, time to be evil," she smirked while walking towards her family.

"Hello y/n, its good to know that you're attempting to correct your stupid actions" Rudolphus acknowledged.

"I wasnt thinking, just scared I guess" she lied.

"Well, you can't be as cowardly as those not joining, eh?" Rabastan laughed heartily, joined by Rudolphus and y/n.

"Let's go home, its good to have you back y/n" he said while exiting the train station.

The journey home consisted of y/n's two brothers scowling at muggles, laughing, planning their death eater stuff, and giving y/n tips about becoming one.

"Thank you," she smirked 'wickedly' at them "I'll make sure we're on the top, just like now."

They reached home, y/n was welcomed happily by her family. Everyone was happy to have her back, and everyone wanted to teach her how to gain her status back.

For once, y/n's parents were not scowling at her, they weren't screaming at her, they were just smiling. 

Dinner was great, for her family at least.

"Why did you come back?"

"Well, I thought about it, and realised evil is so much better than good. Also, you would have some evil gryffindor with you. That would be good for you" she smirked.

"I'm impressed, never thought you had it in you" her father chuckled.

After dinner, y/n's mother pulled her aside,

"You remember that tomorrow is the masquerade ball, right?"

"Yes, mother, I do, I have an outfit ready too. Its great" she said

"Goodnight y/n, I'm glad you came back" she said

"Thank you mother, good night to you too" she fake smiled.

She reached her room to see everything cleaned by the house elf. "That dress will make them cry" she chuckled


Word count: 1130 words

I know this is a small chapter, but I wanted to have a separate chapter for the ball. 

Just to clarify, y/n does turn evil. She will turn back to normal when she returns to Hogwarts. 

......or not, really, nobody knows.

Anyways, Take care,  I love you!


-iaccioedsiriusblack - 23/9/21

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