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Warnings: Swearing


Y/n was asked to meet Dumbledore the next day, and he asked her if she had thought about accepting the task. She, without hesitation, said yes.

 If there was a war, she wanted to fight.

"Miss Lestrange, your wand has an extremely rare combination of wood and core. Your wood is Sliver Lime if I'm not wrong, with a unicorn hair core" he said

"Yes, professor"

"Silver Lime wood is extremely rare, and it's only available for extremely skilled seers and Legilimens. I presume you were taught Legilimency at home?" he spoke

"My brothers taught me"

"Yes, yes. And although you did not take divination as a subject, you do get glimpses of what's to come?" he asked

"Yes, professor. How did you know?" she asked, surprised, as she thought they were just coincidences.

"I might've not mentioned this, but I'm a skilled Legilimens myself. There's a resistance to Legilimency which is-"

"Occlumency" she realised

"Precisely, y/n. Have you been trained for Occlumency too?"

"No professor, my brothers thought it would be unnecessary" she replied quickly

"You should know, y/n, that when you face Voldemort-" He looked at y/n, but she did not flinch at his name. he continued

"-The first thing he will do, is look into your mind. You should be able to show him fake scenes so that he doesn't know you're the imposter. " He said looking at her through his half-moon spectacles, with kindness.

"So I will be trained in occulmency?" y/n asked

"Correct. Wednesday nights, 6pm. If that's okay with you."

"Yes, professor. I'll be there. " She replied.

She then left the room, half-stunned as to why she hadn't thought about it....


The days went by quickly after that, everyone was preparing for their OWLs and spending great deal of their time in the library.

As for y/n, she was spending her Wednesday nights with Dumbledore for stronger Legilimency and Occlumency lessons.

In the free time, she studied for her OWLs. She wasn't as stressed as others, but she was a little nervous about them. She started borrowing notes from Remus, who didn't ask her anything, but did look a little more tired than usual.

Y/n realised that Remus' prefect badge was Tin, and not Silver. She didn't think a lot about it, but she did find it weird.

Severus snape finally told y/n his unneeded theory about Remus.

"Hey y/n" he cornered her in a deserted classroom

"What do you want, Snivellus?"

"Your prefect friend has a lot of scars you know"

"Okay, and?" she asked, not giving a shit about it, because it was Remus' business, not hers.

"And he disappears every month..." he added smugly

"He goes to the hospital wing, Living in that damn care home makes him weaker every year"

"Never thought why he disappears?"

Let's run away [DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin