October 1976

10 1 0

Warnings: Swearing, alcohol


It was Saturday, the 9th of October; The first Hogsmeade trip of the year.

Y/n couldn't stay for Remus' transformation, she had a meeting with Dumbledore. The meetings would be harder every time. One time she was able to look into Dumbledore's mind. She saw nothing much of course, just a boy, who was with Dumbledore, and they were creating something.

He looked right into y/n's eyes and before she could act onto anything, Dumbledore threw her out of his mind.

She assumed she would get yelled at, but Dumbledore just said "try not to do that next time"


It was 8am, Y/n wouldn't wake up early on Saturdays, but Sirius wanted to take her to Hogsmeade, and so, she woke up early.

Before she left for Hogmeade, she thought that it would be good to visit Remus in the hospital wing; and bring him hot chocolate.

She went to the hospital wing, asked madam Pomfrey if she could meet him. Madam Pomfrey had no problem with that.

When she saw that he was sleeping. Remus slept like a baby, y/n knew that; but he could wake up at any minor sound. She made sure he didn't wake up. She just poured the hot chocolate into Remus' favourite mug, cast a warming charm on it, and left the hospital wing.

Hogsmeade was as pleasant as ever. It was autumn, of course, adding to the beauty of Hogsmeade. Dynamic lush had reached its gorgeous peak, with dried leaves leisurely leaving the tree and the cool autumn breeze.

She came across Peter, who was with Dezzie, his girlfriend. Y/n asked him where the James was, he simply said that he didn't want to come over. She could understand that, James had prefect duties, excessive homework, and he went to give Remus company.

Y/n assumed that Sirius was in Hogsmeade too, so she visited every store to get stuff for herself. Dervish and Bangs, Honeydukes, Scrivenshaft's, Zonko's, everywhere. She could see the Shrieking Shack from the post office and it reminded her that she missed giving her best friend some company during distress.

It was late, Sirius Black still hadn't showed up. Y/n realised it was foolish of her to think that he would ever be on time. She went inside Hog's Head and ordered butterbeer. 

Sirius was the least busy of the marauders – he hardly bothered with homework, he wasn't on the Quidditch team, did nothing at all extracurricular, and was taking less subjects even than Peter. Other than detentions and a dedicated devotion to practical jokes, y/n was Sirius's only other real concern.

She knew Aberforth Dumbledore, he was Dumbledore's younger brother. He was a dull man, and looked like he hated life. Hog's Head was usually the place y/n would go to when she needed some calm and space away from people. There were only a few other people in the pub.

She noticed from the corner of her eye that someone familiar had entered the pub. She turned around to find Regulus staring at her, thunderstruck. He had a book in his hand. Y/n didn't expect him to be here, sure, it was quiet and calm, but Regulus rarely drank butterbeer.

Y/n running away didn't have much of an effect on Regulus, he knew this was going to happen.

"Hey," he said

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