Back with you

32 2 2

Warnings: swearing, and Sirius


I turned around to see my favourite people standing there, in the middle of ankle-deep snow. I let go of my trunk.

"Sirius! James!" I almost broke down as I started running toward them. I hugged Sirius very tightly and started lightly crying on his shoulder.

"Don't worry love, I'm here now...." was all I heard him whisper.

"Hey, y/n don't worry. We'll not let them do anything to you" James said comfortingly.

After 2 whole minutes, I let go of Sirius and gave James a brief hug. "Don't worry y/n, you've got us" He assured.

"Here," James handed me a box.

"What's this?" I asked

"Early Christmas gift. There's a bracelet inside. It will electrocute anyone who comes near you with bad intentions."

"That's so thoughtful. Thanks, James" I smiled at him.

"Oh, and Sirius has something to tell you," James said with a cocky smile. This caused Sirius to look up abruptly and glare at him.

Sirius' POV

"I have a Christmas gift for you too y/n," I said still glaring at James

James in return gave me a 'go get her' look.

"Really? Wow. I don't have anything for you guys though" she frowned.

"No, it's okay. Although it would be good if you returned Sirius' gift." James suggestively said to which y/n just gave a confused look.

"Hold this" I gave her a paper.

"This says 'ticket for a fun night with Sirius' Oh my god is this one of your fun carnivals?" She asked

"Nope. This is better. But first, let's take you to a place where you can stay" I said

"I was thinking Leaky Cauldron," she said

Meanwhile, James was just grinning like a proud brother.


Y/n's POV

"Ma'am here is your room," The staff said to me. 

"Now that you've got a room, we can use your ticket," Sirius said rubbing his hands together.

"Sure, but where are we going?"

"Oh, I'm not going. It's just you and Sirius. I have to go to mum and dad." James said although he had a slight smirk on his face

"Okay mummy's boy. Tell Mr and Mrs Potter I said hi." I said

"Yeah cool. Bye y/n, Bye Sirius" he waved and went home.

"Come on let's go have fun," Sirius said once again excited

I chuckled and shook my head "yeah, let's go"

After a few minutes of walking, we finally reached the top of a hill. Sirius waved his wand and 

"Stargazing, Oh my god Sirius I-" I said in awe

Let's run away [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now