Well, shit

20 2 3

Warnings: swearing, Remus.


"Sirius!" y/n gasped while Sirius picked y/n up and started spinning

"What? I'm just having fun darling" Sirius said smiling goofily.

"This, in no way is fun" Y/n scoffed

"It is for me, " he smirked. 

"Sirius, put me down!" She chuckled

"Okay, okay." he put her down

"Great I'm dizzy" she said as she felt the world around spin. And if she was honest, this was better than travelling via floo.

"Y/n where are we going next?" Sirius hopped up and down like a child does on a sugar crash.

"Pirates Of The Carribean exhibit" she had to control her smile.

"Wait- Pirates?" he stopped skipping and frowned.

"You haven't seen Pirates Of The Carribean?"

"No y/n, it's Muggle stuff." he scoffed

"Remind me to show you captain Jack Sparrow, you'll love him" She smiled.

"Yay! Let's go! Who's Jack Sparrow? That's a weird name-"


It was evening, Y/n and Sirius had returned back to Potter Manor. They were talking to James, Mr and Mrs. Potter about the place they went to.

"Where did you guys go?"

"Disney World" Sirius and y/n chorused.

"So what is this Disney World ?"

But before y/n could open her mouth to reply, Sirius beat her to it

"Disney World is this place Muggles have created, where there are these 'cartoon' characters and they come to life. It's almost like they could do magic. Cartoons are pictures Muggles watch for fun." 

He was smiling smugly like he knew everything about Muggles.

"And tell him about Jack Sparrow" y/n whisper-shouted at Sirius

"Oh, and Jack Sparrow-" he winked at y/n "Is this head pirate. He's so much fun, He owns a ship! Her name is Black Pearl, she's very beautiful. I met Jack Sparrow too! Pirates are sea living humans if you're wondering. " He added the last part after seeing James' confused expression.

"Well then if Disney World is so much fun, then I will take Lily to our date-" James thought

"If you ever get one" y/n added. "Because after the Snape incident, she seems to hate you. " She said as a matter of factly.

They spent the entire night telling the others about Disney World, and specifically left out the part where they took a picture of them kissing under the fountain, And the snogging sessions

"Wait till I tell Remus about Disney Land" Sirius said

Oh shit- Remus- 

"You can't Sirius"y/n said quickly.

"Why not?" James and Sirius asked

"Because he'll know about us

"Oh my god, I completely forgot about Remus and his 'Big brother-best friend' thing."

"So you have to..... Hide it? " James asked

"Yup" they sighed

"Well, shit" James laughed.

Let's run away [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now