November 1976

7 1 0

Warnings: swearing, angry Remus, stupid Sirius


Y/n was trying her best to keep up with essays, homeworks, classes, but she couldn't. Not because she was feeling low about 

Y/n, Lily, Marlene and Alice were in the library, studying together and completing their homework.

By the time the next weekend rolled around, it was common knowledge that Sirius was now casually seeing Avni Acharya, the Hufflepuff who had enchanted the pumpkins to glow in the dark.

"Wait, so its been-" Y/n was baffled

"10 days-" Marlene completed

"Yeah, 10 days, and he's 'committed' to Avni already? what a-" she said sarcastically

"Y/n!" Lily scolded

"Wha- hey! I'm his ex! I have every right to say that to him," she slurred, half asleep already.

"She's right, you know. She can talk shit about him" Marlene spoke, Alice was dreamily drawing her constellation chart


She was making her way back to her dormitory, she got lost, of course, and was finding a way back to Gryffindor tower

"You two are making so much noise." She heard Sirius' voice from the other side of the corridor

"Padfoot!" That was James


"How did you get here without the cloak?"

"I walked, you wuss."

"Lucky Filch didn't see you."

"I was born lucky."

The 'garden tapestry' was on the ground floor, only a few yards away from the entrance to the dungeons. From this, Y/n had suspected that whatever prank the marauders were planning would be aimed at Slytherin. She was not wrong. She could see that James had a very large wooden box with him, which he was propelling along with his patented locomotion charm.

"Some of the bubotubers accidentally cross-bred with some puffball mushrooms," he whispered, as they crept down the stairs to the dungeons. "Professor Sprout asked me to chuck them on the compost heap, but I thought that would be a waste..."

"Where are we going to put them?" Sirius whispered back, excitedly.

"Well I don't know this year's Slytherin password – any of you?" James asked

"It's Pureblood" she spoke, the three boys shrieked and turned around. "Where's Peter?"

"Oh, he's coming here in a few minutes" Sirius assured

"You guys came without him? Rude" she said the last bit to herself.

"What are you doing here?" Remus spoke from under the cloak, his legs could be seen.

"I was just.... picking up an owl" she lied, knowing very well she was practising occlumency.

".....At midnight?" Remus asked

"Yeah, it was sick, I was checking up." She lied again

"Oh okay," James said "Then I thought we could probably just leave them scattered about a bit – they're just about ready to spore, I reckon..."

Once they had reached the dingy, cave-like lower levels of the castle, Peter transformed back into himself, and James set down his crate. He lifted the lid to present a bounty of at least one hundred large, yellowish, gently pulsating mushrooms.

Let's run away [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora