Summer 1976

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Warnings: Dumbledore, probably swearing idk


So, it was James, Sirius and y/n at the Potters', of course picked up by Mr. and Mrs. Potter.

When they arrived at King's Cross, James was given a bone crushing hug by his mum, and a less bone crushing one by his dad. Mrs. Potter was aware that neither y/n nor Sirius had been familiar with a maternal figure giving them a hug, so she gave them a small hug- long enough to not make them uncomfortable.

Remus gave y/n, Lily and Mary a hug (Marlene had left early) before leaving and taking a bus to St. Edmund's.

He did whisper about a friend not being there, so y/n knew it was going to be harder than usual for him.


The full moon was falling on the 10th of August, a few days before y/n's birthday. James and Sirius wanted Remus to be there for her 16th birthday, but they understood that his legal custody is at St. Edmund's.

They were all planning her birthday. Y/n realised that when they asked (more like screamed) her "What's your favourite colour?" across the dining room.

Everything had been going alright until the morning of the 11th of August. Dumbledore arrived at the Potter Manor. He said that he got a call from Remus' matron saying that he ran away. This was very unlike Remus. She assumed that Remus got tired of that "Hell hole" as Remus called it, and wanted some fresh air.

Dumbledore also told us that Matron called the Muggle Police before she called Dumbledore. He was furious, but he looked.... Calm. It was always something weird about him that y/n felt, He was always calm, even during panic worthy situations.

He advised that the Muggle Police should look for him till the afternoon at least. After that, if he isn't found, then he'll ask the Aurors to find him. 

Y/n couldn't eat that day.


Around 3PM, Dumbledore asked Sirius and James to look for him, seeing as they knew him the best. Y/n wanted to go, but Dumbledore told her that it wouldn't be safe for her. She let the matter go.

A few hours later, around 4PM, Dumbledore had left by then, but sent his things first thing in the morning, Remus finally arrived. They came by the Knight Bus. Remus looked like he just woke up, and Sirius and James didn't look happy with the ride.

Mrs. Potter rushed towards Remus about to give him a hug but then

"Euphemia!" A voice barked from the living room. It was Moody.

"Oh... for goodness sake." Mrs Potter muttered. She took a step back and looked Remus in the eye, "What did Monty and I give you for Christmas in 1973?"

"A chess set," Remus said, quickly, eyeing the doorway Moody's voice had come through.

"It's him!" Effie called, outstretching her arms once more and hugging him as tightly as their height difference would allow. "We were all so worried about you, dear!"

"I'm ok." Remus said, embarrassed.

"We thought you'd been... oh, well it doesn't bear thinking about. People going missing... dark marks... I really don't..." she looked very pale and washed out, as if she'd had a lot of bad news lately. Remus felt terrible for adding to her troubles. "Never mind," she said, briskly, smiling again, "Something to eat? Or would you like a wash, first? Albus sent your things, they're up in your usual room."

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