The Unwanted Message

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Warning for song: blood, swearing, MGK.

Warning: blood, swearing, mention of abuse.


The next morning, y/n woke up extremely happy. The only thing she could think of was the kiss.

I mean can you blame her? Her boyfriend was Sirius Black. 'In your face Gwenong Jones' were her exact thoughts.

As the usual morning routine, she was taking advantage of living near Diagon Alley. She woke up, dressed up and went to Diagon Alley to buy new quills and parchment.

On her way, she passed Flourean Fortescue's Ice-cream shop.

There, she saw Alice talking to a boy, with her dreamy gaze fixed on him.

He somehow, had the same dreamy eyes. Y/n recognized the boy as Frank Longbottom. Alice and Frank had been spending a lot of time together. 

She approached them. "Hey, " she said. "Oh y/n!" Alice squealed and gave her a tight hug. Frank gave her a small smile. "Too tight- Alice- I- can't breathe-" y/n frantically said. Frank just looked between them, finding their situation exceptionally amusing.

Alice finally let go. "I haven't seen you this happy during Christmas since the time you spent it at James' with Sirius..... Oh..." She trailed off realizing what happened. "Yeah" y/n replied.

"They did it.... And you said no." Alice said. "Yeah. I guess that's the one good thing that happened this Christmas. " y/n chuckled. "Sirius did the same on the first day of Christmas break." she, y/n continued.

"Potters'?" she- Alice asked. "Yup" she, y/n replied.

Meanwhile Frank was looking confused at both of them. "I'll tell you about it Frank, when time is good and people are okay" Alice smiled warmly at him.

"Anyways, I'll go now. Bye Alice, Bye Frank. Enjoy your date. " Y/n teased them. "You too y/n" Alice said which gave y/n quite a shock. Yet, she kept walking.

  Did she know about me and Sirius? I mean Alice knows everything, but she couldn't possibly have figured this out.


After buying all the things she needed from Diagon Alley, she headed back to her room.

 Suddenly someone had pulled her into a broom closet and slammed her against the door. It was so dark that y/n couldn't identify the person.

Y/n's POV

"Hello" the person said, she had heard that voice, it was a woman's voice.

"Why did you bring me here? And how did you find me?"

"You still have the trace on you, I just broke into the ministry." The woman said.

"Who are you?" I asked her

"We met yesterday. Bella" she scoffed. His nails held a firmer grip on my arms that raised me a little.

"Why do you want me to join your cult?" I tried to remain calm and not panic though my voice was breaking.

"Because it's the right thing to do. I've seen you at Hogwarts Y/n Lestrange. You're exceptionally powerful. If you fight with us, you'll get the things you deserve. If you don't, well, you'll die a painful death and no one would care. " Her sharp nails were now piercing my skin.

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