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Warnings: Swearing


Remus' birthday had been a blast. A big party in the Gryffindor Common Room, along with food 'borrowed' from the kitchens. Thankfully, James didn't bring his broom out like he did at Remus' 15th birthday party.

Sirius was not in a good mood for some reason, and so he didn't plan on coming to the party. Y/n didn't think much about it. He was quite moody, sometimes more than Remus....

Y/n tried to ask James if he could pursue Sirius into coming, and so, James marched up to the boys' dorms. Remus bumped into him.

Y/n knew he was getting more fags although he said he was 'tired'.

After some time, Sirius emerged from the dorms, looking somewhat stunned. But his expression softened when he saw y/n. Y/n was drunk enough to not notice Sirius coming down.

But she did notice Remus running down, staring at them in scepticism.

She felt sorry for him- she didn't know why, but before she could talk to Remus, Sirius crashed his lips onto her and kissed her, hard. She melted into the kiss as the people around her started hooting and cheering.

 Remus didn't come back for the rest of the night.


Professor McGonagall had put up career meetings, mid April. Y/n already knew what she wanted to be. An Auror. But y/n knew that Professor McGonagall would know about Dumbledore's task. She still wanted to talk about it to her.

"Welcome Miss Lestrange" she had a soft smile on her face.

"Hello Professor"

"So, how are your preparations going?"

"Remus' study groups and extra lectures are helping, but I'm also spending some time in the library"

"That's nice. Now have you decided what to do with your life?"

"I thought I should become an Auror...."

Professor nodded "Yes, and your grades are suitable too. Your grades are perfect in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Charms. Your Potions grade, Miss Lestrange, is something you need to work on. You'll be accepted into the N.E.W.Ts class, but to become an Auror, you will have to work harder. " 

"Yes, professor. But before that, I was thinking of fighting in the upcoming war...."

"Very well, I'm assuming the others are doing this too. And yes, the Headmaster told me about your task, I understand it's a hard one. But you have to be able to balance studies and tasks."

"Yes, professor, I will try my best"

"Very well then, Good luck for our OWLs. I hope you get the grades you worked for." she smiled

"Thank you professor" she said as she exited the room....


"Go and find a fucking broom cupboard like everyone else!!!" Marlene yelled, on the edge of hysteria, throwing a slipper at the couple. They were wound together on the couch in front of the fireplace.

"There's nowhere to go, though," Y/n sighed to Remus, in the library the day before OWLs were due to begin. "Sirius won't let me up into your dorm, and boys can't get in ours... and I don't dare get caught in a cupboard somewhere, not with this castle crawling with wannabe death eaters."

"What?" Remus finally paid attention, "Has someone tried to hurt you?"

"Oh, all the time," she shrugged, with a tired smile, "I'm used to it by now. Being a Lestrange probably prepared me a bit. "

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