January 1977

10 1 0

Warnings: Swearing, yk the usual


Y/n got out of her carriage, after everyone else, making sure no one saw her sneaking from the Slytherin compartment. She passed Regulus, nodded at him. On the station, she saw The Marauders and Lily having  a conversation. 

"Good Christmas?" Lily asked, "Thanks for the chocolates!"

"Thanks for the gloves," he replied waving them at her to demonstrate, "Really warm."

"Yeah, cheers for the gloves, Evans," James waved his own wool covered hands.

Lily blushed deeply, and mumbled something about not wanting to leave anyone out.

Remus noticed y/n coming out of the carriage, and yelled "Hey! Y/N! C'mere!"

"I'm coming, Rem" she yelled back, "Hello" she smiled

"Why weren't you with them?" Sirius questioned

"Oh, I stayed back to make sure I didn't forget anything" She replied.

She gave Remus and Sirius a warm hug, and Remus thanked her for the gifts

"It's good to have you back" the two smiled at her

"You love me really," she chuckled.

It was incredible how quickly everything settled back to normal - Peter and Desdemona started a fight almost immediately, Lily hexed James halfway through dinner, Mary had tales of her newest boyfriend, which Marlene was rolling her eyes at. Sirius had eyes only for James, of course, but Remus was excitedly talking to Y/n.

"So, what did you two get up to?" James asked, mouth full of roast beef, "You didn't give much away when we spoke..."

Sirius and Remus looked at each other only for the tiniest moment, "Spent most of it trying to keep Padfoot out of trouble, obviously." Moony finally spoke with a grin on his face.

James and Peter laughed, and that was all anyone needed.


It was the 6th of January, Y/n had spent last night practising Occlumency. She also had to meet up with Regulus and Snape, just to talk about 'The Dark Lord'

She later realised that Remus must've had an extremely hard night. She got dressed and made her way to breakfast.

The breakfast hall was buzzing with the news; owls were flying back and forth. Y/n sat deliberately next to Remus and squeezed his hand under the table. He squeezed back, gratefully.

"It's horrible," Marlene said, tearfully, reading the paper over Mary's shoulder. "That poor woman, murdered in her bed..."

It had been a young couple, who had moved to Hogsmeade in November. Both magical, but she was muggle born. She was dead, her husband bitten and apparently at St. Mungo's. Their wedding photo graced the front page of the Prophet, and made Remus sick to look at.

"Is it still on the loose?" Remus asked, keeping the hand which was not holding Y/n's flat on the table, so nobody could see him trembling.

"Looks like," Mary confirmed, still engrossed in the article, "No one could catch it. Tonight's not a full moon, so we're all safe for at least another month, I suppose... that's the trouble with werewolves, if you don't catch them on the moon, then how are you supposed to catch them at all?"

"There must be a test, or something," Marlene frowned, "A revealing charm."

"Yeah," Mary replied, thoughtfully, "Maybe... but then you might end up finding the wrong one..."

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