
16 2 0

Warnings: Swearing


The Potters had a big, medieval era-like ballroom. It was gorgeously lit with sconces all around. A big chandelier was in the centre of the room, and it gave an impressive modern finish to the medieval room.

The ceiling had an old painting of a bunch of old wizards and witches dancing in the same ballroom and the words "Eskhatos ekhthros katargeitai o thanatos"  were printed. 

Y/n presumed that it was their family motto, So did Sirius.

"What does it mean?" Y/n asked Sirius and James, pointing towards the text on the ceiling.

"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death" he replied casually "It's quite powerful, unlike my family motto 'Toujours pur which is Always pure'" He scowled.

"You can read Latin?" y/n was amazed, Sirius nodded.

"You can read?!" James asked

"That's cold, Potter" Sirius glared at him


The room was so remarkably furnished that everyone decided to go for a practise round of the dance. Y/n and Sirius had a fairly good time until James started looking and them oddly and abruptly started coughing loudly.

Most of them arrived by 7PM. Lily didn't arrive until 8:30 because apparently, Muggles can't see the Potter Manor. James was a little disappointed at first, but when Lily arrived, he was back with his Christmas spirit again.

James completed his homework, and started revising for the final exams too. And to y/n's surprise, so did Sirius. Who would've thought pretty Mr. Black would've studied during Christmas holidays.

Remus came in at 6:30, and as decided, they "won't be suspicious". It didn't work out so well, as he was eyeing them suspiciously throughout the party. 

Y/n gave Remus a brief hug, and pulled out the coffee cup out of Jean. She waited for everyone to arrive, but Remus looked rather ragged than usual. Y/n assumed that his mother was sick, and he used to stay awake to help her.

When Remus got the coffee cup, he looked at her, so happy as if she was the best thing to happen to him. In a swift motion, he hugged her tight, and whispered in her ear "Thank you y/n, I love you"

"I love you too Rem" she hugged him tighter, she did not know why he hugged her, but decided to play along as his mother was sick, and he needed a little more support from his friends.


The Potter Manor summoned chaos when Marlene arrived. Her brother, who was 10, was starting school the next year. He was shy and very cute, And although y/n preferred to not be around kids, he had a strange charm.

James, Remus, Peter, and Sirius were in the corner talking about Disney world and showing each other gifts they got. 

Y/n, Marlene, Lily and Alice were in the other corner, and y/n was narrating an extraordinarily descriptive version of her escape from the Lestranges and how they asked her to be death eater and she refused to do so.

"What the f-" Marlene said, stunned, but got interrupted by Lily

"I didn't know this y/n" she asked, concerned 

"I mean, what did you expect anyway?" she chuckled "My entire family is filled with death eaters" causing Lily to glare at her.

The parents were in the other corner, chatting about how their kids are growing up so fast, and they didn't expect them to be responsible so quick.

The rest of the night went by pretty quickly. They did everything except dancing. Marlene's parents were dancing, So were James'. Alice's parents weren't into dancing, but they did sway from side to side to every song.

After long, The entire group was together. Y/n, Sirius, James, Lily, Marlene, Remus, Alice and Peter. Everyone was playing Monopoly, Wizard's Deluxe Edition Monopoly (I have it hehehe ).

Y/n decided to become the golden Titanic, Sirius was the old hat, Lily was the car, James was the statue, Remus was the iron, Alice was the boot, Peter was the carrier, and Marlene was the spinning wheel.

No one chose the donkey token. Quite self-explanatory really.

Nevertheless, they all had fun. Y/n won the game of Monopoly. After that, they decided to play UNO, which Lily brought from her place. Lily, being experienced, won the first and the ones after that. 

The clock struck 2 AM, and they realised that they have to go home. Lily was the first to go, Mr. Potter had connected her house through the floo network. Alice and her parents left shortly after Lily.

 Peter's mum came to pick him up around 1:00, but Mrs. Potter persuaded her to stay till 3. Remus had to leave at 3:30, so he gave everyone a brief hug, and thanked Mr. and Mrs. Potter for inviting him over.

He hugged y/n tight like before and thanked her again for the coffee cup. "I'll use it every single day" were his exact words. After Remus left, there was only Marlene's family left.

and well, Mr. Potter and Mr. Mckinnon were very drunk. They were stumbling from one place to the other, laughing at the Sirius for being so 'Serious'. 

Mrs. Mckinnon finally told him that he has to go home, so, when he realised, he muttered something along the lines of "Have to go home otherwise she'll leave me here"

"See you later old man!" Mr. Potter laughed

"Me Old man? You old man" Both of them sniggered

"Merry Christmas!"


After they left, It was quiet again, the house elf politely asked if she could clean up, but Mrs. Potter insisted she should have some rest as she had been preparing food throughout the party.

"Well, that was fun" y/n said as she slumped down on the bed and decided to sleep with her party clothes.

"Really was" Sirius said

"Goodnight love" Y/n said cheekily

"Goodnight darlin" Sirius said with the same tone.

Y/n couldn't help but wonder why Remus was suddenly so thankful of her gifts she gave him

She always spoiled her friends with gifts. What happened to him? Never mind, it's okay, he was probably going through something 

And she went to bed peacefully, after a very long time. Finally.


Word Count: 1090 words. 

I'm so sorry for the late update, I've been busy with exams and MUNs and stuff....

Anyways, I'm addicted to mattheperson and Jordan Cunnigham (My fav creators)

and my Grammarly is broken, so I can't write like I did before.... ig

Drink water, eat your food, and try to do something to make you feel better, remember that life has its own struggles...

But I shall forever love you~

-iaccioedsiriusback 28/6/21

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