The favour

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Warnings: swearing, Dumbledore.


Headmaster sent me a letter? Why? 

"Just open it y/n, he probably doesn't even know about the Snape and Lily incident." I whispered to myself

I opened the letter and started reading....

Dear Ms. Lestrange,

I have come to the knowledge that you left home, and disowned your family name- This, I think, plays a crucial part in what I'm about to ask you. You can do it only if you think it is right.

I want you to join the Order Of The Phoenix. It is a secret society formed by me and a few well known aurors to fight against Voldemort. I think your family's prestige and position would have a lot of impact on our vision. 

What I'm about to ask you is extremely confidential, I request you to not talk about this to anyone until everything and everyone can be trusted.

We-The Order Of The Phoenix, want you to join the death eaters as an undercover spy for the Order.

Please think about this, as this could be a great way to help the order, and defeat Voldemort. Kindly tell me your answer before your sixth year, as you need training before you face Voldemort.

With regards,

Albus Dumbledore

I was left dazed by this sudden favour. To fight, against my family- That I could do, but I know that Regulus would be asked to join the death eaters. How do I fight him?

 Why did he want me? And what training?

But I did think about the letter, and although it did overnight, I was sure that I did not want to be a part of the bad side, at least when I know that it's better to fight with the people who I love.


The next morning, I woke up to remember the events of last night, had a nightmare, of course, also I thought that Sirius would be an escape from the thoughts in my mind.

I didn't send Headmaster Dumbledore an answer right away, I wanted to think a little more about this

I needed a little more time.....

So without thinking, I thought it would be good to tell Dumbledore about my encounter with Bellatrix.

I started writing my letter to him....

Professor Dumbledore,

I completely understand your offer, I just need a little more time to think about it.

I was coming back to my hotel room yesterday, when Bellatrix Black, you may know her, pulled me into a broom closet and asked me again and tried to persuade me into joining the death eaters. 

She gave me time till my sixth year to ask her. I think that if I join the order, I might join the death eaters a week or month later.

The thing that bothers me a lot, is that why would they out of everyone, want me?


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