I Promise

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"Dorinda, what the hell is that on your neck?" Greg asked, standing over me.

Opening my eyes, I realized that I'd fallen asleep on the couch after talking to Smoke.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, stretching and yawning.

"I'm talking about that mark on your fucking neck. What is that?!" Greg yelled.

Getting up, I went into the bathroom and saw that the hickey that Smoke had gave me over the past weekend had faded some but the spot was still darkened where he'd sunk his teeth into my neck.

"Answer my damn question right now." Greg said, coming into the bathroom with me.

Scoffing, I walked out the bathroom as I rolled my eyes. He had some nerve questioning me when he was the one who stayed gone the whole weekend without so much as a text or a call.

"I don't owe you anything. What do you care? I'm just the old, washed up, and worn down woman that no one wants right? So, it shouldn't matter to you." I took a seat back on the couch.

"Woman, I'm not playing with you. You better not have had nobody in this damn house or in our bed."

I stared at him as I folded my arms.

"You got some damn nerve coming here acting like you running things after just been gone for the whole weekend. I hate that no matter what even after all you've put me through I still have love for you. I hate that you put me through so much hell even after twenty plus years of marriage and I still love. I hate that I love you." I said, wiping tears from my eyes.

Standing there, Greg looked at me.

"If you loved me you'd be a better wife. If you loved me you wouldn't question me all the damn time, and if you loved me you would have made me feel like a man instead of letting another woman do it. Therefore your words mean nothing to me anymore."

"Wow, so it doesn't matter that I love you? Nothing matters to you anymore?" I asked.

Greg went silent as he turned away from me.

There was literally no point in us being in this relationship anymore. It didn't make sense for me to be here and he didn't appreciate me. I was really starting to feel foolish for how I felt about him.

"You know what Gregory... that's fine. I'm tired of doing this anyway. If you don't want me anymore that's fine. But all that bull about no one wanting me anymore was a lie. Did you forget that I had men coming from the left and the right when you met me? The only reason that stopped is because I vowed to never cheat on you again because I thought that you loved me, and that we could work on our marriage. I see that I was sadly mistaken. It's useless being stuck in a loveless marriage. I'll be sure to let Nikki and Jay know how much you love us."

Getting up, I went to walk out of the room but Greg grabbed me and pinned me against the wall.

"You not telling my damn kids a damn thing."

"Why? They've been asking questions anyway. I think they deserve answers to their questions, don't you? They both should know how much you don't give a damn about me or this family anymore." I said.

"You can go. That's fine, but you won't turn my kids against me. If anything they should know what type of whore you are having some man give you a damn hickey when I'm the only one that's supposed to have my hands on you." Greg growled, his grip getting tighter.

"Get your damn hands off of me!" I yelled, pushing his chest.

Greg laughed as tears came to my eyes. He nodded his head as he looked at me.

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