Chapter 27

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My feet felt heavy walking towards my father. He was talking to one of the black coats, their chat seemingly light enough, and they both turned their heads and greeted us as we came up to them.

"Rex, Leo, this is Beecon" He kindley introduced us to the black coated man.

Me and my mate both noded towards the man, a silent greeting, not sure what to expect.

Looking at us slightly intrigued, Beecon noded back with a gentle smile. "I wont disturbe Thee before the fight, we will perhaps talk more after." and whit another nod he stroled on past us. His cane in his right hand stomping silently in the grass beside his right foot.

To the right they had already sat up the ring in which the fight would be held in. It was simple enough, a red marked cirkle on the grass and long stiks whit red fabric tied on the topp stuck up here and there making it a clear circle.

Right beside the ring a giant man was jumping up and down, doing scuats and showing of. He tok a couple of fist pumps, hitting the air before him, with his wrists and knuckles coated in red fabrick.

Ah this must be the Red mountains fighter. I see what Leo means, he looks strong and by the show of it light on his feet. You could see he had been training and fighting most of his life.

He turned his head towards me and his face was a stone mask, revealing no feelings.

Bet I can get a reaction out of him. Grinning I put up my hand and waved eagirly at him, feeling like a thirteen year old girl with a crush. I finaly got my award as he stared wide eyed, slightly mouth open whit a confused look on his face.

Leo punched my waving hand away. "Idiot" he muttered whit a shy grinn covering his lips.

"Thank the goddess there you are" Rupert joinen us slighly out of breath.

"Ahh... Were you concerned about me Rupert?" I asked him holding my hand over my chest.

"Nooo... I knew you wouldnt run away" He said of full honesty.

"Run away?... Who said I would run away?"

"Eh.... Well, you guys were away a while, and a rumor started that you guys had run away, but we knew you wouldnt do that to us...right?" his word ending in harshly wispered.

Hooking an arm around Leo I grinned at him, "We're here" I say pushing air out of my mushy lungs.

"Hello" a known voice entered behind us. Silence followed as I turned my head around, Leo slightly tensing nexto me.

"What do you want?" Leos words had a litle bark at the end, emphasising his cousine to tread gently.

"I just wanted to...." he shoved his hands in his pockets, looking much younger than he was. "I dont know."

Leo crossed his harms and continued to stare at Micha "Come on spit it out!" He said slightly annoyed.

"Well I just wanted to say that I dont think this this is right, what they are doing to you and..." He tok a hand out of his pocket and waved it at me."-and Rex" He continued as if I were a mere item. "I dont have a problem with you guys, even tho I think you could have done better than that idiot" He states, nodding his head as a mere fact towards me. Gee thanx "Its just not fair or right how this all went down and I guess what im trying to say is sorry our fathers are dicks"

He didnt wait for a respond he just gave Leo a small salute, turned on his heels and whent out the same way he entered. Hmm that was interesting.

Breating out I senced my mate relaxe beside me, laying his head on my shoulder. "Well that was unexpected" he said reacing his arm around my back.

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