Chapter 25

11 9 4

3 hours later.


Just three towns away from Sligoville. When Gravity and Danny first arrived here a couple hour ago, there were no pictures of them, no one even spared them a glance, which they found really weird. If the Northbridge police was looking for them, wouldn't they broadcast it all over the place? They must have realized that they were given the slip by now!

They bought a map(the other one got wet) and some food,and now they're in a motel room.

Gravity can't beleive how close she is. 3 towns away?!
She is, however, really sad that she lost the ring.

And Danny is even more upset, for he was the one whom Gravitys mother entrusted with it in the first place.

Gravity was showering now, and Danny thinks back to when she told him she loves him. It's so unreal.. he's never  been romantically involved with any one before.

He's like a virgin in this case, but actually quite far from one. Sure, he's had sexual relations, but love?! This was a first.

First for both of them.

Gravity soon steps out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel.
She must have forgotten to carry her clothes with her in there.

Danny gulps and looks away. The towel was quite large on her, about 2 inches above her knee, but the fact that she wasn't wearing anything underneath....
Wait! Why is he having these thoughts? This isn't the time. He scolds himself while Gravity finds some clothes and enters the bathroom once again.

She soon returns fully dressed in a plain white T-shirt and shorts. Inside clothes,because they both agreed to kill the day and start again early tomorrow morning.
She climbs on the bed and folds her legs under, sitting on them, and causing her T-shirt to ride up.

She catches Danny staring at her thighs and for some reason she doesn't move to pull her shirt down.

Gravitys POV.

Danny soon gets up to shower. Unlike me, he remembers to take his clothes with him. When I look on the floor though, I see a piece of clothing on the floor. It must have fell from his hands.

I go to pick it up. Oh, it's his underwear. I knock but he doesn't answer, so I just open the door.

Big mistake. Or is it?

His back is turned, and for the second time, I have a full view of his ass.
Even though it isn't the first time, it still causes a gasp to leave my mouth.

The sound makes him turn around, and both our eyes widen. For different reasons though.

"Yo- you.. um left this in the room" I extends the clothing towards him, trying to keep my eyes above his waist.

Argh, why did I stutter. Get it together Gravity.

And the worst part? he makes no effort to cover himself.

He takes the Calvins and I turn to leave.


"Hey Danny" I say and he looks down at me.

We're watching T.V, but due to the poor resolution, I can barely make out the images displayed.

It's a motel... what do you expect?

We're on the bed, me laying between his sprawled legs with his arms around my waist.

"Let's play truth or dare?" I say.

"Ok, what's that?"

I gasp, suprised that he's never heard of this very popular game."You mean you've never played truth or dare before?"

He shakes his head.

I laugh a little and begin to explain.

"-and that's how you play" I say and he nods his head in understanding.  "Ok, I'll go first, Truth or dare?"

"Dare" he says without hesitation.

"Hmm... I dare you to do ten push ups with me on your back"

He chuckles but goes down ln the floor anyway and I climb on his back.


"1,2,3......" he keeps going until I'm at ten.

"impressive" I say and he flexes his arms. Boys....

"Okay my turn" he says "Truth or dare"

"Truth!" I say, staying on the safe side.

"So I get to ask you a question right?"
I nod.

"And you have to answer it honestly"
I nod again.

"Earlier when you saw me in the bathroom" he says lowly.

I gulp at his sudden change in mood.

"You liked what you saw, didn't you?"

"Wha-what?!" Argh! There's the stammering again.
Then, he bursts out laughing, so unlike him.

"Relax babe, I was just joking" he says after he sobers up.




"Are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah, why?" His eyebrows draw together in confusion.

"You've been acting weird lately"

"Just tryna show you some affection, do you like when I call you baby?"

I nod and twist my lips to prevent laughter from escaping.
Now those are some words I never thought I would hear Danny say.

Do you remember when this boy barely spoke?

"Affection?" I ask

"Yeah, we're a couple now, I figured I would have to change some of my ways"he shrugs.
"I mean, some things have to change between us right?"

I don't say anthing, cause I detect a double meaning behind his words.
Does he means that he wants us to be more sexual?

Calm those hormones down Gravity, I'm sure that's not what he meant.

I turn the tv off and get into the bed with him.

"Goodnight baby" I say and wink, trying to make a joke.

But when I turn around he's already asleep.


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