Chapter 26

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Warning: chapter contains slightly mature content.  (My longest chapter yet! Brace yourselves)


I wake up before Danny, as usual and take a shower. I take longer than usual spending extra time on my hair. It has gotten very, very dry and needed some TLC.
But that would have to wait,I just don't want it to smell.

I finished and went back to the room to see Danny sitting up on the bed.

"Morning" I say in a sing song voice.

"Morning, what date is it?" He asks rubbing his eyes.

"How should I know" I say shrugging.

He sighs and leans back on the bed.
"Why?" I ask

"I was keeping track of the dates, but the paper got wet and know the numbers are all smudged."


"Anyways, I'm gonna shower" he looks at me "wanna join?" He says with a serious face.

I take the pillow and smack him with it.
"Gross!" I say and give him a push towards the bathroom door.

He starts laughing. imbecile..

But I love it when this imbecile laughs.

"Uhh I'm not sure I like this food" I say and scowl at my plate.
We're at a diner across from the motel.
I eat it anyway because it's what we can afford.

"Don't worry babe, when this is over I'm gonna be able to buy you anything you want." Danny says to me.

I smile. We're almost there, Sligoville I mean.
But, I have to keep in mind that I was just guessing that that's where she was.
I mean, she used our code word, but...what if?
You know what, no negative thoughts!

I continue eating then I remember something...
Danny wanted to know todays date.

I stop a passing waitress.

"Can you please tell me todays date?"

"The 4th of November" she says and walks off.

Damn! It was November already? No wonder it was getting so cold. Ofcourse, there was no snow in this part of the country but it's getting colder.

Thank god for the little money we worked, I couldn't bear sleeping outside like we used to in this cold.

The money that Kyra and Jeff gave us was saved for emergency.

"it's November 4th" I turn to Danny and say.

He nods" it's my birthday, how strangely ironic"


"it's your birthday?" I ask and he nods.

"Why are you so calm? Danny you're 19!"

"It's not that big of a deal" he shrugs "it's like every other day I just turn a different age"

"You're a year older, you should Celebrate!" I say happily.

He frowns and I start kissing him all over his face.
He looks around the resurant to see if anyone is looking.


I get up from my seat.

"Gravity what the fuck are you doing sit dow-"

"Okay everyone" I cut him off by saying. Some heads look up at me curiously. "So, today's my boyfriends birthday...."

"Fucking kill me...." I hear Danny mutter.

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