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The following flight to Austin lasted barely three hours, nevertheless, although it was not long and this was a private flight, this time was quite enough.

After the failed operation, in which Optimus Prime escaped and there were witnesses, as Attinger called the Yaeger family and Shane Dyson, the driver of the rally car, someone's mood was so in the basement and the mood on the plane, not the best.

Therefore, Brady was heil glad when the plane finally came in for landing and a car was waiting on the tarmac to take them both to the rendezvous point with Cemetery Wind. Who did Attinger blame entirely for Prime being gone? At least not Lockdown, who had a hand in this predicament. So who was left? A certain black ops team.

"You let yourself be shown up by an amateur inventor from Texas," Attinger reproached James, who just stood there, not making a face and not taking any of it, "This will go in your evaluation. Yeah right, and in yours too."

"Do I look like I care about your stupid talk?", it had been nothing more than venting frustration anyway, thus Attinger could be glad James didn't care.

"Washington thinks we're chasing a Decepticon target but our story will be baseless if we don't find this Yaeger family quickly," it didn't just take the Yaegers for that to happen, Attinger assumed.

"Well, if he goes to the police or the FBI?" a valid objection James owned.

"Won't do any good," with one eye squinted at the sun's very unfavorable position, Brady looked to her uncle, "They'd turn them in to us."

"The world he knew no longer exists," Brady could only disagree, because, the world remained the same, except, and that was much more Attinger's point, that Yaeger had been torn from his quiet life.

For today that was it, back to Chicago it went nevertheless not. The search for Cade Yaeger, his daughter and Shane Dyson, as well as Optimus Prime, continued.


Apparently, tracking down three 'fugitives' was more difficult than anticipated, though they couldn't have gone far. To all appearances, one day was enough for Attinger, because in the afternoon, the next day, it was back to Chicago.

The advantage of this flight was that Attinger was in a better mood than yesterday and Brady was not alone with him, as James came back with him. The rest of his team got to drive back.

"They told me he was a nobody," with those words Attinger turned his tablet around so James, who was lying on a row of seats, and Brady could watch the video footage, "Well, this nobody has our technology."

"I'm going to find you guys," James read aloud the text a drone had recorded.

"He's on the run. He'll be bored and plenty of time, after all," breathing heavily, Brady looked from the tablet to the window and back to the two men because the recording said one more thing, "Aren't these from KSI? Therefore, wouldn't it perhaps be advisable to inform Mister Joyce that someone foreign is in possession of one of his drones?"

Quite. For many reasons, it would be beneficial for Joyce to know. After all, his drones were used in every, pretty much every, Cemetery Wind operation, recording all sorts of things. Most of it wasn't meant for 'foreign' eyes and in the wrong hands, like Cade Yaeger's, was a problem. A problem for the three of them.

"Come with me for a minute," James said to Brady, gesturing to the back seats with a motion of his head so he could talk to her without being disturbed, but Attinger was about to open his mouth, "Shut up. This is a family conversation."

"Okay?" replied Brady, irritated, and sat down in the last seat, at the very back of the plane, where, behind the wall at her back, the luggage was stowed, "What's wrong?"

"You asked me once what Cemetery Wind was and I told you if you didn't know, you didn't have to lie when asked," this had been a while since James had said this to Brady, "When we land this thing is over for you and it doesn't give a shit what he says. You shouldn't be a part of this."

"Too late," it was an attempt at a smile that Brady couldn't quite manage and took one of James' hands, "We'll be fine. We've been through worse. And when this is over, we'll move on."

It was time to hear something positive that had nothing, but absolutely nothing, to do with the Transformers and was far away from their work.

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