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It was only a few days before news broke that two CIA officers had been kidnapped by Megatron and the Decepticon wanted to negotiate. Brady's plan could not have gone better. However, it was not the CIA that was contacted, as one would think in this case, but the TRF. Despite this, the U.S. military intervened, as usual, and was of the opinion to be allowed to take over the negotiations.

Well, let's see, Brady thought, when she learned that TRF and she would not be there.

In the Arizona desert, in Phoenix, the negotiation with the leader of the Decepticons was to take place. Vast terrain and far and wide, no buildings or civilians. Nothing that could be destroyed if the Decepticon lost his cool.

"What are you doing here?", Will wanted to know after Brady got out of the black SUV and stood with tablet in his hands, facing him.

"The Decepticons are under the responsibility of the TRF, as well as all Transformers. Add to that, we were contacted by Megatron, not you," Brady replied without looking at Will, looking straight into the distance where it began to shimmer, "Do you really think we're going to let you do this negotiation on your own? No way."

No sooner had the jet descended to within a few feet of the ground than it transformed into a giant robot, two men ran off and Megatron, took a meter long sword from his back. It had taken quite a long time for the Decepticon to do something himself and not just let his people do everything. After confirming that the hostages were free, the lawyers were also allowed to get out and set up their computers.

"Do I know you human?", basically, Megatron should know Will but the Decepticon isn't interested in humans, so, it fits, "I want my prisoners."

"Yeah, well, keep 'em coming!" shouted Will, which the Decepticon didn't need to be told a second time.

"Mohawk.", it was the first name Megatron called.

"You got it.", Brady confirmed without further ado with a smile on his face.

"What, you can't just say yes," a little taken off guard by Brady's confirmation, Will turned to the lawyers, "Mohawk?"

"All right!" one man called out, after a quick check, which Will confirmed with.

At Dreadbot, Brady looked briefly at her tablet and heard a woman in her back already, listing all the offenses. Bank robbery, aggravated assault, murder, double murder, triple murder, nine dead, but the money, stayed put. For him, there was no release from the lawyers, which is why Megatron slammed the sword, not far from Will, into the desert floor. It had an effect, because all of a sudden, one of the lawyers said that it was actually a no, but, because they were flexible, it would be clear if the Decepticon wore a tracking device. With number three, Nitro Zeus, there was just the stipulation that he was not allowed to leave the country.

"And last but not least," the worst always comes at the end, Brady thought, because in a negotiation you always start small and increase progressively, so the choice should be interesting who Megatron wanted to finish, "Berzerker."

"No," and there Brady didn't even have to look or think, so this answer came before Megatron had even finished the name, "The name says it all. We don't release anything called Berzerker. Not without reason, some say. Berzerker stays in the dungeon."

"Absolutely not." a lawyer confirmed Brady's refusal, for another.

"What did he.....," before Will finished his question, Brady held the tablet out to him so he could read the file himself, "Sure. Yeah, no. No, there are limits. Pick another one."

Was the last choice better? No, but with Onslaught, a lawyer had to check back to make sure it was clear, and it was clear. As fast as the lawyers, packed up their stuff and left, you couldn't look. Understandably. Nobody was voluntarily and not longer than it must be, in the vicinity of a Decepticon and certainly not, in that of Megatron.

"What do you really want Megatron?", Will had finally learned.

"I want what everyone wants, human," it could mean anything, especially with Megatron, "Back home."

"I have no objection to that," and not only Will, but millions more people.

All over the world, some kind of metal horns had come out of the ground and not only scientists, were interested in them, but also the Decepticons. In all six places where the horns were peeking out of the ground, Megatron had appeared. The Ministry of Justice had agreed to the negotiations for this reason and had set the condition that Megatron would be observed by the military. Even before, when there were times of crisis, a pact was made with the devil. As currently, therefore, had to open a door through which the monsters can get to them. There exists a weapon that threatens the lives of all people and Megatron was the one who could find it. At this point, Yaeger came into play, because he was in possession of something that could lead the Decepticons to this weapon and it should be up to them to find this weapon for the military. The plan was as follows. The Decepticons were given Yaeger's address and once the mysterious weapon was found, the five Transformers were killed.

"Of all of them, one of the worst hit was him," Brady audibly exhaled, looking after the jet as she steered by the SUV.

"Are you kidding me?", for a moment, until Megatron was out of sight, Will followed Brady's gaze and then looked to her, "Where did it hit him the worst? Just about everything, Earth owes to him."

"Decades he was frozen in the ice until this Witwicky guy found him by accident," the story Will, as Brady knew from the Transformers files, "You can go wherever you want, to the most beautiful places in the world, but most say nothing beats home and the people who live there. I'd rather help a Decepticon get home than an Autobot that's here, causing havoc."

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