Low Profile My Ass

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Melissa woke up about the same time Klaudia did and felt her face flush as she realized she had used her friend as a pillow for who knows how long.  Klaudia yawned and stretched, poking her in the shoulder.  "Comfortable?"

Melissa laughed, "I was actually."  She then looked around the empty room.  "Where is Sarah?"

Klaudia yawned and stretched when Melissa sat up.  "No idea, she must have left while we were sleeping.  Probably getting some food maybe?  God knows I'm hungry.  We didn't eat dinner last night, remember?"

Melissa frowned, "You're probably right but damn... Is that really a smart thing to do?  I mean, we just got here.  What if she gets lost?"

"I doubt she would wander very far," Klaudia said as she sat up.  "Besides, the Leaf Village isn't that big.  She'd find her way back if she did get turned around.  Someone would point her in the right direction I'm sure."

"I'm running to the bathroom," Melissa said as she moved to the door.

Klaudia walked over to the window and looked out at the activity below.  Even though they were at the end of the block of buildings, the activity below was thriving.  She smiled slightly at that then shifted her eyes to the stone faces that she could see between the buildings.  She loved that they were up high enough that they could see that from the window.  She turned as the door opened again and Melissa came back.  She had a look on her face that had her laughing.

"What in the world happened to you?"

"They have one of those... bidet things.  No toilet paper."

Klaudia's brows went up and she almost started laughing, "And?"

"I've never had cold water shoot up my ass before," Melissa muttered.

Klaudia then did laugh before turning her eyes back out the window.  Her eyes widened as she saw Sarah walking towards the building... with Kakashi Hatake by her side who was carrying a couple of bags for her.  She covered her mouth, "Oh my."


Klaudia turned around and gave her an innocent look.  "Oh nothing.  So you've never used a bidet before huh?"

Melissa gave her a suspicious look before moving to the window and nudging her to the side.  Her mouth dropped open as she looked down.  "Low profile my ass!" she howled.  "How is that keeping a low profile? He's the sixth Hokage for Gods sake!"

Klaudia laughed hard at the words before watching the two of them on the street below.  "Now, we don't know how that happened, Melissa."

"And after all that 'no, no, no we got to keep a low profile' talk last night, she goes out and latches on to Kakashi Hatake!  I'm gonna kick her in the ass when she gets up here."

Klaudia placed her hand on her arm and smiled, "Melissa... if it was Iruka..."

Melissa groaned and looked at her, "I'd be doing the same."  She sighed, "Damn.  First you and Konahamaru and now her with Kakashi... I better meet Iruka!"

Klaudia howled with laughter and threw an arm around her shoulders.  "I have a feeling you'll be running into him.  As I said... it's not that big of a village!"

Sarah nervously shifted her eyes to the building.  God I hope the girls don't see this.  Kakashi had refused to leave her side through the entire shopping venture.  She wasn't going to lie, she had enjoyed herself... a lot.  However, there was no denying that the two of them walking around with each other had got some attention from the villagers.  They had looked at her like she had two heads but had almost jumped to attention whenever she had found an item.  There was no doubt that they had concluded that she must be someone of importance to be walking around and shopping with the Lord Sixth.

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