Reckless Love

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Sarah woke with a start, surprised to see the sunlight streaming into her room.  Strider didn't wake up in the night?  That was... odd.  She looked to the crib and saw that he was not in it.  She smiled slightly, assuming that Kakashi had taken him.  She stretched on the bed, feeling more relaxed than she had in a long time.  What a night!  She smiled again and bit her lower lip.  He loved her. She suddenly remembered their bet then giggled, guess she should go make breakfast and see what the two were up to.  There was no way she had been able to keep silent and when reaching one peak, she had let out a cry so loud that Strider had howled almost directly after it.  Kakashi had smirked as he got out of the bed.

"You owe me breakfast, little fox," he had chuckled as she had quickly got herself out of the bed to tend to him, wrapping herself in her robe as he lounged back and watched her as she picked up Strider and soothed him almost instantly.  His gray eyes had been fixed on her before he said softly, "You're so beautiful."

She swung her legs over the side of the bed before pattering out of the bedroom and down the hallway.  As she came into the central living area, she was surprised at how quiet it was.  Where in the world did they go?  She shook her head and went into the kitchen, beginning to make the breakfast that she had promised to make because she had lost the bet.  She hoped that they wouldn't be gone too long so it wouldn't go cold.  She had just pulled the food off the stove when she heard a loud squeal before Kakashi came through the front door.  She was stunned when she realized the sound had come from Strider!  His arms and legs were swinging wildly and he was making noises like whatever Kakashi had been doing he wanted him to do it again.

"Wow, I've never seen him that excited before!  What in the world were you doing?"

"Just going after a few things," he responded vaguely.  "Mmmm that smells good.  My victory breakfast."

Sarah smirked a little before putting the food on a couple of plates then walking to the table.  "You may feel like you won but I'm the real winner."

Kakashi chuckled, "Keep telling yourself that sweetheart."  He went over to her and leaned over, kissing her softly.  "Are you ready to get married?"

Sarah felt her face flush, "Yes... about that.  I was thinking, do you think we could do something a bit... large?"

Kakashi made a face, "Now why would you want to do that?"

"I have my reasons," she responded.  "I know, I know... you want to do it today.  I think I could pull it together with a little help from a few of my friends.  Are you up for that?"

Kakashi eyed her suspiciously, what was she up to?  Her hazel eyes were so imploring that he knew he couldn't deny her anything.  "Whatever you want, love.  I just want to be married... finally."

Sarah clapped her hands together and quickly started eating.  "Do you think you could keep Strider with you while I run around town?"

"Already ahead of you," Kakashi chuckled.  "I secured the new wedding hall for the event and already talked to the Monk to perform the ceremony.  I had to pull a few strings to get that hall. So... when are you telling the girls?"

Sarah made a face, "Well obviously immediately but... they're going to totally freak out."

Freak out did not even begin to describe what happened when she arrived at Melissa's house.  Her friend took one look at her and KNEW something had happened.  Her blue-green eyes widened as she looked at her.  "YOU HAD SEX WITH KAKASHI!" she yelled.

Sarah sputtered, "H-how did you-"

"FOR ONE HE LEFT HIS CALLING CARD ON YOUR NECK!" Melissa howled.  "You also look like the cat that got the canary!  I TOLD YOU IT WOULDN'T EVEN TAKE A MONTH!  Oh my god, we're going to have all that drama again aren't we?!  I'm too weak for this!"

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