Rue the Day

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Konahamaru stared at the busted door for a long moment.  To say that he was angry was an understatement.  Furious was closer.  Livid was the most appropriate definition of the rage he was feeling in that moment.  He did not need to go in to know that his wife and children were missing.  He sensed the second he was no longer alone and glanced over his shoulder, seeing Iruka approaching.

"Melissa and Sebastian..."

"Yes, Klaudia and the twins as well," Konahamaru responded so softly the hair on the back of Iruka's neck stood up.  His eyes were narrowed as he looked over at him, "They will rue the day that they took my family."

Iruka nodded his agreement.  He opened his mouth to speak but stopped as Kakashi, Sarah, and Yamato approached.  Kakashi looked at the two men, "I know where your families have been taken.  If we hurry we can catch them before they leave the Leaf.  They're waiting for their men to bring Sarah.  They miscalculated when trying to grab her."

Sarah frowned at him, "I should go with you."

"No, you will stay here with Strider and Yamato until I get back," Kakashi responded in a no nonsense tone.  "The last thing I want is for you to get mixed up in this anymore than you already have been.  We'll bring them back soon, I promise."

Yamato wrapped his arm around her shoulder, receiving a scowl from Kakashi, before pulling her towards the house.  She glared up at him but allowed him to pull her that way.  He forced himself to look away from them and to the men.

"Let's go."

Sarah watched the three men go and scowled.  She wanted to be there to watch them beat the shit out the ones that had taken her friends.  Yamato squeezed her shoulder, "Now don't get mad about that.  You're better off here."

"Bah," she said while adjusting Strider in her arms.  "I should be there.  I think I did well enough protecting myself earlier."

"I'll admit you did do well, I was surprised at what you could do."

Yamato eyed her for a long moment as they entered the home.  She was cursing as she looked at the damage all over the house.  Klaudia had apparently put up one hell of a fight before they captured her because the place looked like a tornado had hit it.  It was amusing watching her cursing because she was trying to cover Strider's ears as she did so.  He shifted as she looked at her, crossing his arms in front of himself before rubbing his jaw.  He was beginning to have a theory about her Ninjutsu.

"Sarah, can I ask you something?"

She looked at him as she set Strider down into a play pen, "Sure.  You know you can ask me anything."

"When did you first develop this ability?  You didn't used to have it, right?"

Sarah tilted her head to the side, "The first time it happened was the day of the meteors.  I was told that a shield formed around me when I would have been crushed and killed."

"You were pregnant then weren't you?"

Sarah felt her face flush with color, "Yes but I didn't know it yet."

"Sarah, has it ever activated when you weren't with Strider?"

She stared at him for a long moment before making a face.  "What are you getting at, Yamato?"

"I think somehow... it's a connection with Strider that has made these powers come forth from you."

"You think it's Strider doing this?"

"Not necessarily..." he responded while looking at her.  "I think possibly there is some kind of chemical reaction that happens in response to protecting him.  It's hard telling because your people are so different than our own in some ways.  Perhaps your people had our abilities once, long ago and lost them along the way.  Maybe Strider being the mix of you and Kakashi activated this... somehow."

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