Make Out Tactics - Kakashi Style Pt. 2

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Melissa was smirking as she browsed the baby section books while Sarah was sweeping the floor.  She couldn't help but smirk after what her friend just told her.  She might not realize it now but she had already doomed herself.  She had to hand it to Kakashi, it was rather cleaver the way he had manipulated her into doing what he wanted.

"Stop giving me that look," Sarah finally said as she stopped sweeping to send a glare at her friend.  "I will not be getting back together with him.  It's just a convenience."

"Yeah... convenience...  I give you at most a month," Melissa snickered.

Sarah considered throwing a book at her head.  "I have my own place, he has his.  The only time we might overlap and I stress MIGHT is when getting food or watching TV.  You have no idea how nice it was to hand Strider over this morning to him and walking out the door rather than dragging him here."  She shrugged, "It will be interesting to see how he survives the day since he's never been around a baby that long in his life."

Melissa's mouth dropped open, "You left Strider with him without any instructions?  Oh..."  she started howling with laughter, "That was rather mean of you.  Talk about revenge."

Sarah smirked, "Now Strider is a good baby... he just makes a lot of diapers..."

"You're evil," Melissa chortled, "I love it.  Do you think he's ever changed a baby before?"

"Nope," Sarah said before starting sweeping again while whistling.

Melissa laughed hard and shifted Sebastian in the carrier she was wearing.  He was sleeping peacefully but had been a raving baby in the night.  She raised a brow at him, wondering if she shouldn't poke at him to make him stay awake so she could sleep tonight.  Sarah noticed the look and laughed.

"Don't even, you'll just have to suck it up like I did," she chuckled.  "He'll eventually even out his sleeping pattern like Strider did.  He'll get on your time eventually.  Strider only gets up like three times in the night now instead of every hour on the hour."

Melissa made a face, "I'm just glad I am not working anymore.  Iruka looked like the dead this morning as he went to work.  Seriously, he still gets up three times?"

Sarah smirked as she kept sweeping before collecting the bit in a pan and going to the trash to dump it out.  Melissa turned her eyes back to the books, fingering one titled "Raising Little Shinobi's:  What to Expect Month by Month."  She plucked it up before going to the counter.  Sarah glanced at it then grinned, ringing the book up and taking her money before dropping it in the bag that Melissa extended to her.

"So what are you up to today?"

Melissa tilted her head to the side, "Well I was thinking about going to the park.  It's very nice out today.  Might read a little bit while Sebastian sleeps."

"Can I give you some advice?  Sleep when he sleeps.  You'll feel better if you're able to do so."

Melissa nodded then started out the door.  She knew her advice was good but it was so nice outside she couldn't pass up the opportunity to enjoy it.  She walked down to the park and found a tree to lounge under before pulling out the new book.  The breeze was tantalizing and felt wonderful on her skin.  Sebastian was sleeping peacefully and she almost felt like joining him while lounging under that tree.  It was a perfect day.

She fingered his soft hair as she lowered the book.  They were in for quite a ride going off the first chapter she read.  She closed her eyes for a moment, listening to birds calling one another while the breeze rolled across her flesh.  The strangest sensation came over her as she sat still, like a rolling current of energy was crashing over her.  Images crossed her mind, crossing so fast that she was unable to clearly focus on them.

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