A Love of Animals

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Klaudia turned to the left then the right, grinning as she looked at the yellow dress that Sarah had got for her.  It was so light and airy.  As she looked at the stitching, she could tell that it had been hand made.  She really liked a few of the detailed embroidered designs along the sleeves and along the neckline.  Melissa and Sarah had already left their room to go on the hunt but she had lingered a bit, making sure she looked presentable.  The more she thought about what she would like to try to do, the more she wanted to see if she could find work involving animals.  She had always had a heart for them and the thought of making her living working with them in Leaf was very appealing.  It was for this reason, she took a little extra time getting ready.  When she was certain she looked presentable she left the room they were renting.

"Heading out too, are you?" Madam Soto said as she reached the landing downstairs.

"Yes, Ma'am," Klaudia responded with a smile.  "I'm going to see if I can find some work with animals.  I'd love to be a part of something like that."

Madam Soto smiled slightly at that, "You might want to check with the Inuzuka Clan.  They've got a lot of breeders and trainers for the Ninja Hounds as well as Shinobi companions they train.  They might not have anything but I would wager that they know someone who does need that kind of help."

Klaudia felt a jump in her spirit.  Kiba's people.  "Thank you for the advice!  Where can I find them?"

"Bring me your map," she said with a wave of her hand.

Klaudia went over to her and she grabbed a pen and put a large X on it.  "This is where they live as a clan.  Just outside of town.  You'll know them when you see them.  They're rather distinctive in their appearance."  Madam Soto looked up at her, "You're a good girl.  I can tell these things.  Those two sisters of yours are nice and all but I can tell they're a bit wild sometimes.  They got an ornery spirit about them.  But you... You just have kindness written all over you."

Klaudia blushed lightly, "Thank you, Madam Soto.  I appreciate your opinion.  You strike me as someone who has a nose for people."  She then grinned, "And you're right.  Sarah and Melissa are a bit ornery but they're good women."

"I know that," Madam Soto chuckled.  "I wouldn't let them stay here if I thought they were anything else.  Now you go talk to those Inuzuka's.  Tell them I sent you over that way."

"I will, thank you," Klaudia said before almost skipping out the front door.

She looked at the map a couple more times before figuring out which way to go.  She was enjoying watching the village as it bustled with people going about their business.  The village was so charming and she smiled as she watched a couple of children playing in the streets.  As she left the more populated part of the city, she found herself on a dirt path leading out of the village.  She glanced at the map again and confirmed she was on the right path.  After ten minutes, she began to hear the sound of many dogs yipping before she crested the hill and saw what looked like a second village spread out in front of her.  She smiled as she watched so many dogs running around.  They were so adorable her heart swelled.

Madam Soto was not kidding, the features of the Inuzuka was very distinctive.  Their eyes looked more like wolf eyes than human and they all had a wildness that seemed to settle upon them.  They were also watching her rather closely as she approached.  She was almost there when a man approached and she almost gaped as she realized it was Kiba Inuzuka himself!  

"Are you lost?" he asked rather gruffly from the back of his dog, Akamaru. 

Klaudia smiled at him then looked at Akamaru before speaking, "No, Madam Soto sent me out here.  She said that your people might know someone looking for help with animals.  I just got to the village and I'm looking for work.  Since I love animals so much, I am hoping I can find a job that works with them."

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