Make Out Tactics... Kakashi Style

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Klaudia smiled as she watched Sarah leaning back in the recliner in their backyard.  Konahamaru had bought them a house when he found out she was pregnant.  It was not a large home, only had two bedrooms, but it was well kept.  When he was out on missions, he had arranged for a young man to come around and maintain the yard.  Otherwise, he would spend hours making sure the house and yard were maintained.  He had even got on the roof at one point and gave it a thorough inspection just before the rainy season had started.

It was the first time in a long time that she had seen her completely relaxed.  Even Strider laying on her chest looked relaxed.  She was sure the little one was happy to be with her longer than he used to do.

"So... you gave in to him without fighting?"

Sarah opened one eye to look at her before closing her eyes, "Yes, he would have just won anyways and... gawd girl, you know how nice it is to be off work after working straight for months?  I feel like I've won the lottery today."

Klaudia chuckled, "So... still hate him?"

Sarah glared at her, "Of course.  Just because he's gonna take up the slack doesn't mean my feelings have changed."

Klaudia snorted, "Uh huh.  You're full of shit, Sarah.  Lie to him and yourself but don't lie to me."

Her friend covered her face, "Damn it.  Why can't I hate him?  I really thought I did but when he was sitting there looking at me... I was having a hard time remembering the bad shit and started remembering all the good instead."

Klaudia smiled at her, "Because you love him, you've loved him since you first saw him on Naruto, and you're always going to love him.  Why do you think you were so happy that Strider looked just like him?"

Sarah scowled at her then laughed, leaning her head back.  "I'm a glutton for punishment, that's what it is.  At least now I don't have to worry about Strider as much.  As angry as I am with Kakashi, I know he'll be a good father to him."  She worried her lower lip for a moment before looking over at her again, "Klaudia... he started trying to tell me he did it because he loved me and felt it was safer for me to not be with him.  I shut that shit down fast."

"Sarah... I'm going to tell you something... Kakashi is the same man you watched on all those shows.  You fixated on the good qualities he has but... Do you remember when him and Obito shielded Sasuke and Naruto?"  She nodded.  "The man when Obito saved him asked him, Why would you save someone worthless like me?  He is one big trauma and has equated himself as someone not worthy of anything and most likely sees himself as the cause of all the deaths of those he has cared about.  He's probably scared shitless now that he has a son and he can't do anything about it.  With you... he could put you away, force you into the arms of someone else but his son... He can't do anything.  He's a life that he must love and cherish, keep with him at all times.  When did he run from you?"

Sarah closed her eyes, feeling a little sick.  "The next morning after I got blown almost to hell... That night something strange happened to me Klaudia and I've not talked about it all this time.  I could feel every emotion of those around me and I could hear his thoughts-"

"Konahamaru said when they dug you out, you had some kind of shield around you that didn't go away until every rock was removed from you... that your eyes when you opened them were burning like you had a fire in them."

"What?  Why didn't anyone tell me about that?  I thought I had just imagined all the things I sensed and felt that night..."

"Sarah, you've been living like on survival mode since Kakashi left.  We've barely seen you and something like that... even Konahamaru didn't know what it was.  He thought maybe a Ninjutsu you activated unintentionally as a means of survival.  It hasn't happened since?"

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