Hell Hath No Fury Like A Spurned Shinobi

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Sarah was stunned as she looked at the expression on his face after making that declaration.  She was in some serious shit now.  He wasn't just pissed, he was furious.  She shifted her eyes around the loft apartment and realized it wasn't just his building, it was also his home.  She nervously licked her lips before slowly sitting up and backing up a bit.  His eyes narrowed on her at the movement and she was quickly processing whether or not she could make it to the front door before he got her.  She wasn't nearly as slow as she used to be but she also knew Kakashi was hellishly fast.  Even if she did get to the door, he'd probably catch her before she could even get to the lower level.  She was fucked... yet....

Kakashi cursed when she abruptly jumped off the couch and made for the door.  He had a feeling she would do that and could see the wheels turning in her mind.  She had to know she couldn't escape him but she still did it.  She still did it!  Oh he was going to blister her backside for sure now!  He caught her before she even got halfway across the room and she turned into a wildcat, screeching loudly as she kicked her legs wildly in the air in a bid for freedom.

"You didn't really think you'd get away from me did you?" he said against her ear, smirking slightly at her attempts to get loose.

He cursed when she reared her head back and almost headbutted him in the nose then brought her foot down hard on his own followed by a swift jab in the solar plexus with her elbow.  He didn't expect that and grunted.  He picked her up off the ground and held her aloft, getting even more irritated as his foot throbbed.

"Let me go, damn you!" she yelled.  "I already said everything I need to say.  What part of me avoiding you do you not understand?!"

Kakashi flipped her around and backed her up to the wall.  She tried to push him back and he grabbed her wrists in one of his hands, pinning them to the wall above her head.  He moved forward, blocking any attempts to knee him by pinning her hips with his own.  With his other hand he pulled his mask off and threw it across the room before grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at him.

His dark eyes were angry as he looked at her.  Those gray eyes bore into her own and she tried to look away.  They were so intense as if he was looking right into her soul.  She tried to look away but he wouldn't allow it.  "No you didn't say everything," he bit out at her in obvious anger.  "Why, Sarah?  Why did you run from me?  I don't want some bullshit answer, I want the truth and you're not leaving here until I get it."

Her eyes burned, "I hate you."  It just about killed her to say it.

"No you don't," he said softly.  "You're lying, Sarah.  I know the truth and hating me is far from what you feel.  So tell me, why are you running from what you really feel?  This isn't about you running from me, it's about you running from yourself.  Running from the love you have for me.  You love me, don't you?"

Sarah was horrified as tears started rolling down her face.  "Just let me go," she whispered.  "Please... I can't do it again.  I just can't go through it again."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes slightly and leaned closer to her.  "Go through what Sarah?"

"Loving someone who will start out hot then slowly grow cold with the passing of time," she whispered.  "You said it yourself... 'I haven't gotten into anything yet'... I don't know why you're attracted to me now but your emotions aren't involved and eventually you will grow tired of me just like Stephen did.  It will kill me because I love you more than I ever did him."

Kakashi stared at her for a long moment before his lips twitched up, "Honestly, Sarah.  You really underestimate yourself.  Your husband was a damned fool but I'm not a fool.  If anything, I think in time I will burn hotter for you... All these years I've ignored women but you... I can't get you out of my mind and have been going crazy not being able to get close to you.  Think Sarah, I've been chasing you all over this damn village.  Shouldn't that tell you something about how I feel?"  He tilted his head to the side, "Hmm... maybe I should just show you instead. You're a rather stubborn learner."

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