Don't Do Anything Stupid

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Iruka was half asleep as he went to his front door early that same morning to answer the insistent pounding.  Melissa didn't even move, completely oblivious to the sound.  He pulled it open, fully intending on letting whoever was on the other side have it.  Sarah pushed past him without a hello, how do you do, or anything.  Her eyes were wide as she looked around the place.  She was dressed in a tank top and shorts that definitely did not look like they were hers, actually just a bit big on her.  She glanced towards the back bedroom then him and her face flushed with color.

"Iruka, I'm sorry I woke you up.  I know it's early but I had to move fast and couldn't go home because he might already be there waiting on me."

Iruka made a loud groaning sound and covered his face.  "Oh shit, are you kidding me?  You ran away from Kakashi again?!  Do you have any idea how pissed off he's going to be?"

"Which is why I'm here instead of home," she retorted with an expression that said he should know that already.  "I need to borrow something to wear from Melissa because I'm supposed to be at work in an hour.  I don't have time to get into it with Kakashi."

His eyes moved down to the large hickie on her neck and he leaned his head back.  "I feel like I'm in some kind of bad comedy right now."  He pointed a finger at her, "You stay here.  I'll wake Melissa and she can deal with this madness.  If I was Kakashi, I'd have done given up on you by now just so you know."

Sarah rolled her eyes, not at all feeling like getting a lecture from Iruka.  She was still jittery from the escape just a little while before.  She had woke abruptly when he had rolled onto his back, releasing her from his grip.  Her heart had been in her throat as she slowly slipped out of the bed, well aware that a Shinobi was always on the alert.  She couldn't believe it when he didn't move and she could only assume it was because he had been completely wiped out from their hours of play.  She had stood for a long moment looking at him laying there.  She was torn.  She loved him, even more after making love to him, but... he was displaying traits that were scaring the hell out of her.

He was bossy, demanding, and domineering for starters.  Her ass still smarted a little from the spanks he had given her.  It would have been different if it had been a means of play in the bedroom but those were punishing slaps and it had made her feel so... humiliated, her anger had simmered to the point where she just did not even want to look at him.  She knew he was going to be angry when he woke up alone but she had to be at work and just couldn't sort out the vast array of emotions she was feeling.  A fight with Kakashi would take too long and she'd lose her job that had been hard as hell to get in the first place.  She had forsook her clothes, afraid a second longer and he would wake up and stop her.   She then ran, all the way to Iruka's and was thankful it was still early enough that no one was about the streets.

Melissa stumbled out of the bedroom a moment later.  She glared at Sarah before stumbling towards the kitchen.  Her hair was sticking up in all directions and her eyes were barely open.  Sarah knew better than to talk to her until she had a cup of coffee, which she went to make immediately.  Iruka came back out and dropped on the couch, covering his face.

"I'm really sorry to have woke y'all like this but I really-"

Melissa raised a finger at her, "Not another word until after coffee."

Sarah gave a long, heavy sigh before dropping down onto one of the chairs opposite of Iruka.  He was leaning his head on the palm of his hand and looked like he was about to fall back asleep.  The smell of fresh coffee brewing smelled so good she might take a cup herself.  AFTER Melissa had drank her coffee.  She might just take her head off before then.  She was feeling rather embarrassed now that she was sitting there, especially when Iruka lowered his hand and stared at her for a long time.

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