New Start

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Kakashi froze as he saw the tears rolling over her cheeks. Iruka's words came floating back to him at her words. Melissa said that the only reason why Sarah wanted to come to the Leaf was for you. It was like a bucket of cold water was dumped over his head, extinguishing his anger. He released her arm and she covered her face as her shoulders shook with her tears.

"Sarah..." he whispered before wrapping his arms around her. She tried to pull away from him but he held her tighter. "I'm sorry. God stop crying... I'm an asshole but in my defense, you've been making me absolutely crazy. I don't even recognize myself. I've never felt this out of control in my life."

He pulled back and forced her hands away from her face.  He wiped the tears off her cheeks, ashamed at how he had allowed his anger to take away his common sense.  This was a woman that had his image tattooed on her body.  She would never have flirted with anyone else.  Yet his possessiveness of her was very real as was his jealousy at the thought of anyone touching what he now considered his and his alone.

"Please stop crying," he said before leaning forward and gently kissing her.  "We need to talk this out, Sarah.  I just want to work this out because I don't like who I'm becoming."

Sarah gave him a narrowed look.  "You've been such an asshole," she then grimaced.  "I've been such a bitch, though, too.  I'm... sorry I ran away from you and tried to avoid you.  That wasn't very grown up of me."

Kakashi felt the tightness in his chest lift a bit from the apology.  "I'm sorry I spanked you as hard as I did."

Sarah met his eyes and glared a little, "That really wasn't nice of you.  I don't think I deserved that at all.  It was humiliating to be spanked like a child."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes on her and set his hands back down on either side of her to the table once again.  "Sarah, you definitely had that coming to you.  Now, I should have spanked you earlier before we made love... I admit that but you had been doing some very dangerous things and when I saw what all you had been doing, I became so angry that you would risk your life like that.  It scared the shit out of me if you want the truth."

Sarah blinked as she looked at him, "It scared you?"

"It was horrifying when I saw what you were doing," he confirmed with his eyes softening.  "It made me so angry thinking about how one little misstep and you'd be dead.  You're not a Shinobi, Sarah, and you don't have the skills we do to make that kind of trek.  If we were to slip, we'd use our Chakra to catch ourselves.  You, however, would have plunged to your death."

Sarah was a bit uncomfortable with him putting it that way.  "But spanking, Kakashi?"

He chuckled a little while leaning towards her, "How else do you deal with brats?"  Sarah's mouth dropped open and he pulled her close before she could get mad again.  He was stroking her back as he held her and she closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation.  She wrapped her arms around his waist then and held onto him.  "Ever since I met you in that dream, you've been just in my mind so strong.  I close my eyes and I see you.  I don't know what you've done to me.  When you hid from me, I felt almost crazy needing to be with you."

Sarah bit her lower lip, "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.  When you told Iruka, you weren't involved yet it hurt my heart.  I thought... that you'd be like my ex-husband.  That you were just hard up and that once you got inside my pants, you'd eventually get bored with me like he did and check out on me. I-I... I started loving you before my marriage was over and if that was to happen, my heart would be completely shattered."

Kakashi gave a long sigh, "I was just trying to give Iruka a hard time.  I didn't mean it the way you took it."  He leaned back to meet her eyes, "This is why I wanted to talk about all this.  This miscommunication has been putting us both through hell."

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